Okra Paradise Farms [Up]



[Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry]
Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry

[The dogs went in earlier, but not very far]
The dogs went in earlier, but not very far


[Blondie declines to go in on the south side]
Blondie declines to go in on the south side

[Mostly thawed around the edges]
Mostly thawed around the edges

[Still frozen out in the middle]
Still frozen out in the middle

Yellow Dog

Okra Paradise Farms
Half way between Atlanta and Orlando and all the way to paradise!

Brown Dog

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Okra, yellow squash, cucumbers, collards, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, red potatoes, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes. And pine trees!