session_start(); require("../../php/require/config.php"); $maintitle = $title; $title="SoGa Growing Local & Sustainable Conference"; include("$incpath/header.php"); ?>
A day-long, information-rich, action-packed, affordable conference designed to get you healthier and save you money.
When:9AM to 6PM,Jan. 26, 2013 Where:Tattnall CountyHigh School, Highway 23/57 South, (1 Battle Creek Warrior Blvd) Reidsville, GA 30453 Registration:Is closed!$30 before Jan. 15; $45 after. Includes lunch. |
Important Announcement: The Growing Local conference is FULL and REGISTRATION HAS NOW BEEN CUT OFF. Please pass the word. If anybody is interested in the 2014 conference, please email redearthfarm at yahooooo and we'll get you on the notification list. Many do-it-yourself workshops in homesteading and country living: mushroom culture, beekeeping, backyard chickens, soil-building, small fruit production, economics, gardening for wildlife, charcuterie, natural cleaning, fermentation, herbs on the menu, natural cleaning & body care products, making jams & jellies, vermiculture, weed management, marketing, everything you need to know about small farming. Ladies Homestead Gathering, seed-saving. And so much more.... Conference actually starts on Friday with a potluck, reading & a showing of the film "Grow."
For more information