Brown Dog likes boats.
Brown Dog and Gretchen with halo
Especially this old flatboat. Continue reading
Brown Dog likes boats.
Brown Dog and Gretchen with halo
Especially this old flatboat. Continue reading
Anybody else had to get one of these?
Thanks to Adel Tire for the fix, including a new inner tube.
Apparently box turtles don’t like blackberries, even when Gretchen offers them. And Yellow Dog doesn’t notice turtles.
Gretchen offers blackberry to turtle
Yellow Dog and Brown Dog cooling off in a beaver pond.
Gretchen is represented by her camera there on the right.
The least menacing snake you will see today.
At the entrance to the Cypress Swamp. Brown Dog and Yellow Dog didn’t even notice.
She transplanted that tree when it wasn’t knee-high.
Don’t tell her other trees she likes this one better. Continue reading
The firebird appears to be a Carolina wren.
This Thryothorus ludovicianus didn’t seem to mind that I was three feet from it. Continue readingDogs like water more than fire.
Yellow Dog and camouflaged Brown Dog
And yes, Gretchen was putting out fires with a coffee cup and swamp water.
But she found something unexpected. Continue reading