Tag Archives: Yellow Dog

Walking sticks

Two walking sticks:

Two walking sticks

Two walking sticks
John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman, Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2012-10-05.



Red and black:

Red and black

Red and black
John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman, Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2012-07-26.


Grasshopper on okra

Green on green:

Green on green

Green on green
John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman, Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2012-08-05.


Gretchen with okra

Gretchen the farmer and Gretchen the Rotarian with okra and peppers and Brown Dog and Yellow Dog:

20121031 111820 Gretchen the farmer with okra and peppers and Brown Dog and Yellow Dog Gretchen the Rotarian with okra

Gretchen the farmer with okra and Brown Dog and Yellow Dog

Gretchen the farmer and Rotarian with okra and peppers and Brown Dog and Yellow Dog.
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 31 October 2012.


Dogs in pine straw

Smile, dogs:

Picture of Gretchen taking a picture of dogs.

Picture by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 19 October 2012.

The tree behind the dogs on their right is a longleaf four years old; the rest are loblolly five years old.


Raccoon growling at the dogs that treed it.

About 80 feet up, with the dogs trying to climb up to get it; you can’t really hear it growling in the video, but you can see its tail thrashing.

About 80 feet up If dogs could climb

If Brown Dog and Yellow Dog could climb…
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 15 October 2012.


Yellow Dog and her snake

My snake!

Mine Snake

Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 11 October 2012.

The dogs barked up a storm while I was picking okra, and by the time I got there the snake was in sad shape. Too bad, as I keep explaining to Brown Dog and Yellow Dog, snakes eat mice.


Skeeter hawk in the okra

Valdosta Farm Days Skeeterhawk says, “come get your okra at Valdosta Farm Days today, at the historic Lowndes County courthouse, corner of Patterson and Central!”

Skeeter hawk with sun


Pictures and video by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 26 September 2012.
