Tag Archives: Yellow Dog

Dirt Road Organics Hard at Work in Valdosta 2016-02-24

Proof the elusive Tom Kuettner can be captured. Gretchen Quarterman delivered popcorn from Okra Paradise Farms to Cory Danner and picked up our order yesterday from Dirt Road Organics Buying Club.

Tom Kuettner delivers juice to Gretchen Quarterman

More pictures below.

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Gretchen on Scott James 92.1 FM radio about Ham and Eggs show 7:00AM 2016-02-10

7AM Thursday morning, Gretchen Quarterman will be on the Scott James, 92.1 FM radio program along with Ray Ewing (President of Lowndes Improvement Association), to talk about a South Georgia cultural tradition, and one of only two left in the entire country: the 66th annual Ham and Eggs Auction 2016. You can bid on eggs, on a ham, and if you talk to Gretchen or Ray they can tell you how to get involved in the program and even how to get the whole hog!

noon at 2102 E Hill Ave, Valdosta, GA 31601 The Ham and Eggs Show will be noon Wednesday 17 February 2016 at the Lowndes County Extension Office, 2102 E Hill Ave, Valdosta, GA 31601 (facebook event).

If you are interested in entering eggs in the show Continue reading

Dogs in the culvert, TV on the road

Dogs don’t care about TV unles they’re on it; culverts are much more fun. Yellow Dog was curious enough to sniff around the TV camera, but mostly they sniffed under things, laid in the dirt, and sat in the doggie fort.

Here’s a video. The incessant hissing is what that tiny natural gas pipeline station for a mere 9-inch pipeline sounds like 24/7, 365 days a year.

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Happy Serenity Acres Farm

Julia Shewchuk will present How to make Basic Goat Milk Soap at South Georgia Growing Local in February.

Gretchen Hein, New Leaf Market Co-op, Jan/Feb/Mar 2016, Local Spotlight—Serenity Acres Farm,

“Happy Soaps by Happy Goats,” is the tagline of the Serenity Acres Farm Goat Soap home page and “happy” describes many things about Serenity Acres Farm. Yes, even how it feels to be lathered by the suds of their goat milk soap.

Owned by Julia and Wayne, Serenity Acres Farm is located in nearby Madison County, Florida. It’s a small farm with a big goal of producing locally grown and farm-raised products free of major pesticides, hormones and genetically modified components. All their animals are Animal Welfare Approved certified and pasture based.

Originally, Julia and Wayne were looking for…. Continue reading