The students like the bees.
South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!
When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!
Where: Continue reading
The students like the bees.
South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!
When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!
Where: Continue reading
Student Naturalist Beth Grant will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
In his book Bringing Nature Home, Dr. Doug Tallamy explains
how everyone who loves the wonders of the natural world can contribute to the survival of our native birds, butterflies, and other treasures by providing the native plants needed to support them. Beth Grant has recently obtained permission from Dr. Tallamy to present his slideshow on his findings. By acting on Dr. Tallamy’s practical recommendations, you can make a difference for bio-diversity while bringing endlessly fascinating wildlife to your home. Handouts will be provided. Copies of Bringing Nature Home and Dr. Gil Nelson’s Best Native Plants for Southern Gardens will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to Birdsong Nature Center.
Here’s her conference bio: Continue reading
Elsie and the river book:
Elsie Quarterman with Wayne Morgan’s Satilla River photography book
At 100 101 years and four months, Vanderbilt Emerita Prof. of Plant Ecology Elsie Quarterman sat up to see these pictures. Later she started paging through it to see some of them again.
Wayne Morgan has taken thousands of photographs of the Satilla River, especially in Brantley County.
Video of raccoon by Gretchen Quarterman, Lowndes County, Georgia, 11 June 2011.