Tag Archives: weather

Cherry Bowl from OPF log –Bob Gronko 2025-03-27

Yesterday, Bob Gronko sent a picture of the bowl he made from a cherry log.

[Cherry bowl Bob Gronko made from one of these cherry logs]
Cherry bowl Bob Gronko made from one of these cherry logs

He took a couple of the logs you see in this picture.

They came from the cherry tree I had to cut off the top of the corn crib after Hurricane Helene blew it onto there. Continue reading

Gretchen measuring banana leaves 2025-03-19

A few days before, Gretchen whacked off the tops of these banana plants with a machete. She says this is necessary after they freeze in the winter.

[At least a foot]
At least a foot

That leaf measured a foot of growth.


River and Blondie assisted. -jsq

Cypress Swamp pollen 2025-02-27

The cypress swamp is full of water and pollen.

[Cypress swamp pollen]
Cypress swamp pollen

That slash pine on the left is an example of a tree blown down by Hurricane Helene that still has a rootball and green needles.

Maybe some day soon the pine salvage operation will get here for such trees. They can’t survive like that, and they have some value as saw-timber of pulpwood.


Oddly broken plumbing 2025-01-28

Hurricane Helene, or maybe the ice storm after, broke off a woods spigot.

It was a little more complicated to fix than expected.

[Pipe pieces and fixed plumbing]
Pipe pieces and fixed plumbing

I got a replacement part and cut below the break. Continue reading

Frozen cypress swamp with dogs 2025-01-23

Cold enough the dogs did not want to go into the cypress swamp, after the January 22, 2025, sleet and snow storm.

[Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry]
Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry

Honeybun did not even come down to the frozen water’s edge. River, Sky, and Blondie stayed out of the water. Continue reading

Pine deadfall, back driveway 2025-01-13

Update 2025-01-18: Removed: pine deadfall in back driveway 2025-01-14.

Could this be a problem?

[Honeybun and deadfall]
Honeybun and deadfall

I’ll get to it either today or tomorrow, so when something else falls on the front driveway we’ll have a way out the back. Continue reading

Deadfalls after Hurricane Helene 2024-12-07

Every path through my woods looks like this. Hurricane Helene was ten times worse than Idalia for south Georgia and north Florida. Forestry is Georgia’s top industry, and it is hurting bad, along with pecan trees and other agriculture.

[Fallen oak and pine trees after Hurricane Helene]
Fallen oak and pine trees after Hurricane Helene
