Tag Archives: tractor

Two methods of picking potatoes 2023-05-15

Two methods of potato digging.

[Two views of 'tater digging 2023-05-15]
Two views of ‘tater digging 2023-05-15

On the left, tractor and blade. Upside: digs them right up. Downside: and buries them in the dug dirt, so you have to dig them up again. Continue reading

What was I thinking? –Gretchen at the cane bed 2020-11-29

That’s less than half of the sugar cane on the bed when Gretchen wondered, “What was I thinking?”

[Bed, covers, bedded.]
Bed, covers, bedded.

Nervous Nellie thought it was great fun, running up and down the cane bed as I was digging it. The other dogs got bored and went home.

Gretchen cut almost all of the cane with her machete. (She didn’t approve of my axe.) Continue reading

Fixing a tractor tire

Apparently electric fence wire isn’t good to sling into a tractor tire. The puncture was barely visible, but leaked completely down after a while. Fortunately, Charles from Adel Tire came and fixed it. After he set it on fire.

He explains why in the video. Continue reading

100 foot dead tree

This tree was struck by lightning almost two years ago and then pine beetles got into it. It’s been dead for more than a year, and it was leaning towards the house, so we had to take it down.


John S. Quarterman, Gretchen Quarterman, Brown Dog, Yellow Dog,
Picture by Gretchen Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 18 June 2012.


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