No pond is complete without wasps.
Tag Archives: South Georgia
Lowndes County next year: SoGa Growing Local & Sustainable Conference
This year’s
SoGa Growing Local & Sustainable Conference
was a satisfying success, and next year it moves to Lowndes County.
Not only did 260 people sign up, but all the sessions were well-attended, and everybody seemed to learn something new, from hoop houses to solar power, from hands-on workshops to all-hands plenary sessions. Of course the food was excellent. You can get a hint from this picture of Janisse Ray opening the conference; the food in the foreground is on the snack tables (ah, the honeycomb!). Then there were the meals, potluck by and for a conference-full of foodies.
In 2011 about 50 people came to the first one in Tifton. In 2012, about 150 people went to Reidsville. In 2013, about 260 people signed up, also for Reidsville, Tattnall County, to learn what it takes to grow local sustainable food here below the gnat line in this longleaf pine land of tea-colored rivers, acid soil, and rich gardening traditions.
As Janisse Ray wrote on the facebook event for this year’s conference:
SoGa Growing Local 2014 will be held in Valdosta, GA. Gretchen Quarterman will be the lead organizer. We’ll be keeping you posted on the date so you can put it on your calendars now. (We may do a mini version in Tattnall in 2014.)
More later on what happened at this year’s conference, and more as it develops on next year’s conference. So far, many local farmers, civic and business organizations, and local governmental bodies have offered to help, and Gretchen is forming an organizational committee. Stay tuned!
SoGa Growing Local & Sustainable Conference
I think this is the third year of a fascinating conference that started when some people in south Georgia realized nobody else was going to talk about what it takes to grow local sustainable food here below the gnat line in this longleaf pine land of tea-colored rivers, acid soil, and rich gardening traditions. -jsq
Red Earth Farm Janisse Ray present:SoGa Growing Local & Sustainable Conference
A day-long, information-rich, action-packed, affordable conference designed to get you healthier and save you money.
When and Where:
9AM to 6PM, Jan. 26, 2013
Tattnall County High School,
Highway 23/57 South,
(1 Battle Creek Warrior Blvd)
Reidsville, GA 30453Registration:
PDF, Word
$30 before Jan. 15;
$45 afterwards.
Includes lunch.Many do-it-yourself workshops in homesteading and country living: mushroom culture, beekeeping, backyard chickens, soil-building, small fruit production, economics, gardening for wildlife, charcuterie, natural cleaning, fermentation, herbs on the menu, natural cleaning & body care products, making jams & jellies, vermiculture, weed management, marketing, everything you need to know about small farming. Ladies Homestead Gathering, seed-saving. And so much more….
Conference actually starts on Friday with a potluck, reading & a showing of the film “Grow.”
For more information see Registration on the left here, or email redearthfarm at yahoo.
Gretchen Quarterman will be giving a workshop at the Growing Local conference: Beginning lesson on home made jams and jellies. What you’ll need (not much) to start making delicious sweets from fruits that are easily available.
Inspirational gardener & naturalist Ellen Corrie of Tifton, Ga. will be teaching a workshop on Gardening for Wildlife at the Growing Local conference Jan. 26. This presentation will look at how gardening for wildlife makes your garden (whatever size) healthier and helps restore habitat and preserve biodiversity. There’ll be an overview of factors which need to be considered to attract and keep any wildlife or beneficial general. I’ll focus on pollinators and specific practices and plants to attract them. — with Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath and Dan Corrie.
Albert Kipple Culbreath will be teaching a Mushroom-Growing Workshop at the conference. Inoculation and care of logs for production of shiitake and oyster mushrooms. Will include information on where to obtain supplies, how to handle logs, which type logs to use, care for the logs, and culinary uses. Sign up now. — with Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath.
John Quarterman on the Withlachoochee (audio)
Back at the end of March at
a river conference in Roswell, Georgia,
I was interviewed for a podcast.
the audio,
and here’s the blurb they included:
John Quarterman on the Withlachoochee
Monday, July 9th, 2012
John S. Quarterman was born and raised in Lowndes County, where he married his wife Gretchen. They live on the same land where he grew up, and participate in local community and government.
NPS talks with Quarterman and his observations on starting and strengthening a Withlachoochee Riverkeeper organization at Georgia River Network‘s 2012 Weekend for Rivers.
The water organization has since been incorporated as the Georgia non-profit WWALS Watershed Coalition:
WWALS is an advocacy organization working for watershed conservation of the Willacoochee, Withlacoochee, Alapaha, and Little River Systems watershed in south Georgia and north Florida through awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen advocacy.
PS: They also recorded another podcast which starts out on what may sound like a completely different topic, but which is actually quite related.
WWALS Organizational meeting #3, IHOP, Adel, GA, 25 April 2012
Third organizational meeting of WWALS (we’re still working on the pronunciation).
Formation of a Non-Profit Advocacy Organization working to protect water quality of the Willacoochee, Withlacoochee, Alapaha, and Little River Systems watershed in south Georgia and north Florida through awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen advocacy.
Nola Jackson Gentry, Garry Gentry, John S. Quarterman (the heap of stuff), Nathan Wilkins, Heather Evans, Carolyn Chapeau Selby, Gretchen Quarterman, Bret Wagenhorst
Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman for WWALS, Adel, Cook County, Georgia, 25 April 2012.
South Georgia Growing Local Conference Schedule

Pre-Conference Tour & Potluck
Friday, Jan. 13, 2012
Continue reading South Georgia Growing Local Conference, 14 January 2012

Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, 9-5
UGA’s Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center, between Lyons & Reidsville, Ga. & Red Earth Farm, ReidsvilleWhat: Continue reading
The Lilies of Spring
More pictures in the flickr set. Pictures by John S. Quarterman, Lowndes County, Georgia, 17 March 2011.
Also pictures from previous years.
Forestry ACES

Owners of large tracts of forest land also will get a lot of interest from the business community. Like farmers, environmental experts see them as a huge player in the carbon economy because of their natural ability to absorb carbon.The picture is of Garcia River Forest, “recognized by the California Climate Action Registry as a certified source of carbon credits.”Louis Blumberg, director of climate change for the Nature Conservancy’s California chapter, envisions a system in which forest owners could make money simply by signing an agreement to cut down fewer trees for lumber.
The Nature Conservancy did just that last year with the Conservation Fund, a nonprofit agency that owns about 24,000 acres of redwood and douglas fir forest northwest of San Francisco. The groups changed the logging schedule on the property, and the fund expects to receive about $2 million from Pacific Gas and Electric, which participates in a regional climate initiative similar to the one that the Waxman-Markey bill would create around the country.
“This is really a model of what can happen,” Blumberg said. “Property owners everywhere want to figure out a way to be part of this.”
South Georgia has a lot of forest land. Some of it is even natural. Maybe Georgia Power or Colquitt Electric would like to trade some carbon credits for letting trees grow longer. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a power comapany based in Georgia. Maybe PG&E would like to trade….