After half an hour bushwhacking to get to the pond for the first time since Hurricane Helene,
on New Years Day the dogs and I discovered something in a pine tree.
In her defense, we did saw a bunch of smaller stuff before we came to this deadfall.
And that EGO 16-inch electric chainsaw will saw bigger logs than that.
But I prefer the bigger saw for that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, on another log, the pale dogs were doing their circus act. Continue reading →
Thanks to William Brooks, elder and younger, Dennis Ashley,
Tom Larsen, Alexandria Larsen, Racheal Brooks, and Max Barzallo.
Thanks to Wild Green Future for the grant that bought the WWALS
24-inch Husqvarna 460 chainsaw that I used to saw the main trunk.
Turns out the oak heart was mostly rotten, which may have
something to do with why it blew over.
The triple ridges with radiating patterns look to me like an Alligator snapping turtle, Macroclemys temminckii.
I don’t see anything else among the 29 turtles of Georgia that is even close.
I don’t know what it was doing out in the open, 500 feet from the nearest water, which is our cypress swamp.
Anyway, it provided yet another opportunity to remind our dogs: no turtles!