I almost stepped on it, and the dogs never saw it.
All four dogs walked right by this harmless (to dogs and humans) eastern garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.
I almost stepped on it, and the dogs never saw it.
All four dogs walked right by this harmless (to dogs and humans) eastern garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.
Stopped pretty quick to avoid this turtle.
Not sure what kind of turtle. I’m guessing river cooter or pond slider. I’m leaning towards pond slider, Trachemys scripta scripta, due to the vertical thickness of the shell. Continue reading
This is three pictures of the same snake, about 2.5 feet long.
Looks like a Black Racer to me, Coluber constrictor.
What do the experts say?
Continue readingThis gopher tortoise was on the edge of the pavement.
Gopher tortoise, 2024-08-10, 10:23:19, 30.9942320, -83.2697720
Since the Gopherus polyphemus was not actually crossing Quarterman Road and seemed to be in no danger, I took a picture and moved on.
As you probably know, gophers are a keystone species, whose burrows host up to 300 other species, from insects to rattlesnakes.
This was on the way to the
Neighborly morning chainsawing 2024-08-10.
This timber rattlesnake was crossing our front driveway. Four dogs walked past and didn’t notice.
Tail and Head, canebrake timber rattlesnake 2024-08-17
In their defense, this snake was only maybe a foot and a half long. Still, a nice canebrake, Crotalus horridus.
Eat mice and get bigger, snake. Continue reading
Update 2024-06-16 The snake experts say it’s a black racer (Coluber constrictor). I’ve come around to that identification, because it doesn’t have the narrow neck and wide head of a rat snake, and its body is round in cross-section, not loaf-shaped. Also, it struck like a cornered black racer. See this reference. I was just surprised it didn’t run away fast like a typical black racer. Maybe four dogs made it think cornered. Anyway, black racers also eat rodents, so happy munching, snake.
All four dogs didn’t like this rat snake at the workshop door, although only Blondie and Honeybun feature in these pictures.
It appears to be an eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis), with the white under its chin and side of head and otherwise black body.
It did try to strike at the dogs when they got close, but once I called them off it slithered back under the bench, and onwards.
Here’s a video:
https://youtu.be/e5AvoYPQmTE Continue reading
A small turtle crossing the path to the garden. It’s maybe 4 inches long.
That’s Sky’s dog leg.
None of the dogs noticed until I’d been looking at the turtle for quite some time. Blondie, Honeybun, Sky, and River sniffed and moved along.
I think it’s a box turtle, but I didn’t pick it up to see, since it wasn’t in the way and it was in no danger.
I can’t find a turtle species that quite matches this reptile crossing the road. But the yellow inside shell isn’t like a gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus).
So what is it? Tortoise or turtle? And if turtle, what kind?
I set it on the other side towards where it was going. It hissed at me. Continue reading
This turtle was in the middle of the road as I drove home. It was in Quarterman Road, near Redeye Creek, which runs to the Withlacoochee River.
Turtle in road and on the other side
So I carried it to the other side. It was about a foot long.
What kind of turtle is it?
My guess is river cooter, Pseudemys concinna.
Could be the subspecies Suwannee cooter, Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis. Or the subspecies Eastern river cooter, Pseudemys concinna concinna first described by my cousin John Eatton LeConte Jr. in 1830.
Or maybe a Florida cooter or some other species.
What do you think? Continue reading
What kind of turtle is this? It’s about 5 inches long, so presumably quite young.
The triple ridges with radiating patterns look to me like an Alligator snapping turtle, Macroclemys temminckii. I don’t see anything else among the 29 turtles of Georgia that is even close.
I don’t know what it was doing out in the open, 500 feet from the nearest water, which is our cypress swamp.
Anyway, it provided yet another opportunity to remind our dogs: no turtles!