Update 2025-01-18: Removed: pine deadfall in back driveway 2025-01-14.
Could this be a problem?
I’ll get to it either today or tomorrow, so when something else falls on the front driveway we’ll have a way out the back. Continue reading
Update 2025-01-18: Removed: pine deadfall in back driveway 2025-01-14.
Could this be a problem?
I’ll get to it either today or tomorrow, so when something else falls on the front driveway we’ll have a way out the back. Continue reading
Update 2023-12-29: Afterburn 2023-12-22.
We got the band back together!
Pyromaniacs, prescribed burn, pine tree wedge, Blondie the Fire Dog, burned turpentine guide
Thanks to Abigail Barzallo for sending two helpers for this prescribed burn.
a video.
Those who do not live in a fire forest like ours, and who do not understand prescibed burns, please read this, Prescribed Fire, Longleaf Alliance:
Frequent, low intensity, and often large scale, surface fires were the dominant factor in shaping the longleaf pine ecosystems across the historical range. This frequent fire regime, over generations, selected for longleaf pine’s fire-resistant attributes.
Prescribed fire may be the best management tool that we have for attaining range-wide restoration and management of longleaf pine ecosystems. Increased frequency of fire leads to more diversity and abundance of grasses and forbs; seasonality of burn also plays a role but is secondary to frequency.
This wedge that I cut out of a deadfall pine tree that morning to get it out of a firebreak was fascinating to the helpers.
Max counted 92 rings. I counted 80. How many do you count? Continue reading