Tag Archives: Okra Paradise Farms

What was I thinking? –Gretchen at the cane bed 2020-11-29

That’s less than half of the sugar cane on the bed when Gretchen wondered, “What was I thinking?”

[Bed, covers, bedded.]
Bed, covers, bedded.

Nervous Nellie thought it was great fun, running up and down the cane bed as I was digging it. The other dogs got bored and went home.

Gretchen cut almost all of the cane with her machete. (She didn’t approve of my axe.) Continue reading

Fire in wood stove 2020-11-17

It’s that time of year.

[Heat and light]
Heat and light

Plenty of dead oaks to cut up for firewood.

That’s good, but also troubling: too many dead trees due to spells of drought and heat.

Here’s a brief video: Continue reading

Porch dogs at night, and Yellow Dog, too 2020-10-24

Despite how it sometimes seems, the porch dogs do from time to time stop barking and just lie quietly on their beds. In this case both on the same bed, because Yellow Dog was in residence.

[Yellow Dog, Honeybun, Nervous Nellie, far to near]
Yellow Dog, Honeybun, Nervous Nellie, far to near

Don’t worry, there are actually four beds, one for each dog, if they want them.


Dogs in their beautyberry bath 2020-10-22

Cleanly, those porch dogs are. After a walk, Honeybun stuck her head under the bathwater and paddled furiously. Nervous Nellie seemed more inclined to get a drink.

Yes, that’s beautyberry, Callicarpa americana, around the dog beauty bath.

[Honeybun and Nervous Nellie in the beautyberry bathtub]
Honeybun and Nervous Nellie in the beautyberry bathtub

Brown Dog and Yellow Dog watched.


Beautyberry, boats, bananas, fire 2020-10-04

Around Okra Paradise Farms this morning.

[Beautyberry with boats, bananas, and wood fire]
Beautyberry with boats, bananas, and wood fire

Also grapevine. And I keep pulling up Continue reading

Pack of Dogs 2020-08-31

Leash training day.

[Honeybun and Nervous Nellie on their food deck, Brown Dog and Yellow Dog]
Honeybun and Nervous Nellie on their food deck, Brown Dog and Yellow Dog

Nervous Nellie is also known as the Jackal, because she looks like one, and loves to skulk around and bark. She barks less as times goes on.

Oh, yeah: that’s Gretchen.


Okra, Tomatoes 2020-07-15

Two colors of okra.

[Okra, green and red]
Okra, green and red

More every day, here at Okra Paradise Farms, halfway between Atlanta and Orlando and all the way to paradise.

And some tomatoes, but those are all picked out now. I blanched and froze some, and ate the rest. Continue reading