It was 53 F this morning.
So cold after Hurricane Milton, that I lit a fire in the wood stove, using deadfall from Hurricane Helene.
Movie: fire in wood stove (5.8M)
It was 53 F this morning.
So cold after Hurricane Milton, that I lit a fire in the wood stove, using deadfall from Hurricane Helene.
Movie: fire in wood stove (5.8M)
Turns out we do have one tree on one roof after Hurricane Helene.
Fortunately, it did not break through the corn crib roof.
River and Blondie under the roots
The dogs think the tree roots are a great cool play place.
Small saw path, or big saw path?
Small saw, she said.
16-inch Ego electric chainsaw on water oak deadfall
In her defense, we did saw a bunch of smaller stuff before we came to this deadfall. And that EGO 16-inch electric chainsaw will saw bigger logs than that. But I prefer the bigger saw for that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, on another log, the pale dogs were doing their circus act. Continue reading
Howling and bumping from about 11:30 PM to 2 AM. Hurricane Helene made Debby and Idalia sound like nothing.
And the morning light showed it was worse than that.
When we moved back here in 2007, old timers told us they remembered this oak on the back driveway from when they were young, early in the 20th century.
This other oak just missed the red-iron building we were in. Continue reading
This is three pictures of the same snake, about 2.5 feet long.
Looks like a Black Racer to me, Coluber constrictor.
What do the experts say?
Continue readingThis gopher tortoise was on the edge of the pavement.
Gopher tortoise, 2024-08-10, 10:23:19, 30.9942320, -83.2697720
Since the Gopherus polyphemus was not actually crossing Quarterman Road and seemed to be in no danger, I took a picture and moved on.
As you probably know, gophers are a keystone species, whose burrows host up to 300 other species, from insects to rattlesnakes.
This was on the way to the
Neighborly morning chainsawing 2024-08-10.
This may be the first time I’ve seen one before it stung me.
This Striped Bark Scorpion, Centruroides vittatus, did not sting me at all.
This oak tree was still on the phone line, blocking Quarterman Road, almost a week after Hurricane Debby. So a bunch of neighbors removed it.
Neighborly chainsaw cleanup of oak on phone line 2024-08-10, SW Quarterman Road, by Brooks, Ashley, Larsen, Barzallo, and Quarterman families
Here are some video snippets:
Thanks to William Brooks, elder and younger, Dennis Ashley, Tom Larsen, Alexandria Larsen, Racheal Brooks, and Max Barzallo.
Thanks to Wild Green Future for the grant that bought the WWALS 24-inch Husqvarna 460 chainsaw that I used to saw the main trunk. Turns out the oak heart was mostly rotten, which may have something to do with why it blew over.
-jsq John S. Quarterman Continue reading
This timber rattlesnake was crossing our front driveway. Four dogs walked past and didn’t notice.
Tail and Head, canebrake timber rattlesnake 2024-08-17
In their defense, this snake was only maybe a foot and a half long. Still, a nice canebrake, Crotalus horridus.
Eat mice and get bigger, snake. Continue reading
Gretchen’s latest sale acquisition: a red flying saucer.
Here’s a bit of video:
Continue reading