Gretchen picked a red carrot.
Gretchen, red carrot, Honeybun, Arrow, water
Co-starring Honeybun and Arrow.
Gretchen picked a red carrot.
Gretchen, red carrot, Honeybun, Arrow, water
Co-starring Honeybun and Arrow.
The maypop Gretchen staked three weeks ago has climbed up the stake.
Maypop, fruit, dogs 2023-05-29
Gretchen tied it on some more. Continue reading
This canebrake rattlesnake was too close to the farm workshop at Okra Paradise Farms, so I used a hoe to put it in a cardboard box and took it far away.
How? I show the snake a hoe. It either gets in the box with a nudge from the hoe, or it gets in the box in two pieces.
Here’s a
video playlist: Continue reading
Another successful prescribed burn at the end of 2022.
This was actually the burn of the area in which the Treat’s Rain Lilies have since come up, six weeks later.
There’s more to do if we ever get good conditions again, as in dry for enough days after a rain.
For those who are not familiar with prescribed burns, they are necessary to the health of pine forests. Pine trees, especially longleaf pine trees, are more resistant to fire than other trees. So burns favor pines, and without burning, oaks, sweetgums, etc. take over. And burning temporarily cuts back the gallberry, blackberry, and Smilax vine thickets that get too thick for wildlife. Quail and other birds have already moved into areas of previous burns.
a video playlist:
The cypress swamp is finally almost full at Okra Paradise Farms, with swamp rainbows.
Dogs, rainbows in the cypress swamp 2023-02-17
Three dogs got washed. Two got photographed.
Honeybun and Arrow in the bathtub
This dog does not like a bath. Continue reading
Some weeks ago, lightning struck a bunch of trees and killed them.
During Hurricane Nicole, two of them fell across the front driveway.
A little chainsaw work cleared the driveway.
Lightning, Hurricane, Chainsaw
These two pictures are from November 5, 2022. Notice how the dead trees are in a line. Continue reading
Blondie brought me this box turtle. I repeated her lesson: no turtle!
Box turtle, Blondie, Arrow, Honeybun
Then I showed the Terrapene carolina to each other dog, with the same lesson. Finally, I put it down by the driveway and we continued on.
Update 2022-12-15: Washing the dogs 2022-12-10.
The dogs got really muddy in a beaver pond just before dark, so Gretchen gave them baths.
After I unclogged the drain, this is what was left.
Honeybun also got a bath, but I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. Continue reading