Tag Archives: Honeybun

Wild azaleas and blueberries 2025-03-20

Down the Not A Driveway, over and under the Hurricane Helene deadfalls, following the dog pack, lies an acre of wild azaleas, plus wild blueberries.

[Blondie, Honeybun, Sky, River, over the deadfall into the wild azaleas]
Blondie, Honeybun, Sky, River, over the deadfall into the wild azaleas

Some of these Rhododendron canescens are already blooming. Many more are just budding.

[Wild azaleas, pine deadfall, and dog on Not A Driveway]
Wild azaleas, pine deadfall, and dog on Not A Driveway

[Wild azaleas and loblolly pine cones]
Wild azaleas and loblolly pine cones

[Closeup red wild azaleas]
Closeup red wild azaleas

[Wild Blueberries]
Wild Blueberries

[Pink wild azaleas]
Pink wild azaleas

[Pale wild azaleas]
Pale wild azaleas

[Wild azalea beneath oak deadfall]
Wild azalea beneath oak deadfall

[Closeup wild azalea beneath oak deadfall]
Closeup wild azalea beneath oak deadfall

“Here Spring was already busy about them: fronds pierced moss and mould, … small flowers were opening in the turf, birds were singing. Ithilien, the garden of Gondor now desolate kept still a dishevelled dryad loveliness.”
—Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit, The Two Towers, JRR Tolkien


Garter snake and obvlivious dogs 2025-03-18

I almost stepped on it, and the dogs never saw it.

[Garter Snake]
Garter Snake

All four dogs walked right by this harmless (to dogs and humans) eastern garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.

[Oblivious dogs]
Oblivious dogs


Frozen cypress swamp with dogs 2025-01-23

Cold enough the dogs did not want to go into the cypress swamp, after the January 22, 2025, sleet and snow storm.

[Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry]
Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry

Honeybun did not even come down to the frozen water’s edge. River, Sky, and Blondie stayed out of the water. Continue reading

Pond flatboat pine rescue with dogs 2025-01-01

After half an hour bushwhacking to get to the pond for the first time since Hurricane Helene, on New Years Day the dogs and I discovered something in a pine tree.

[Something in that tree, says Honeybun]
Something in that tree, says Honeybun

She said she meant to be there. Continue reading

Pine deadfall, back driveway 2025-01-13

Update 2025-01-18: Removed: pine deadfall in back driveway 2025-01-14.

Could this be a problem?

[Honeybun and deadfall]
Honeybun and deadfall

I’ll get to it either today or tomorrow, so when something else falls on the front driveway we’ll have a way out the back. Continue reading

Cypress Swamp with dogs after Hurricane Helene 2024-11-11

Our cypress swamp doesn’t look too bad at the west end, after Hurricane Helene.

[Deadfall, west end]
Deadfall, west end

But some of it is quite bad. Continue reading

Removing large pine deadfall 2024-10-27

This slash pine was almost 100 years old when Hurricane Helene toppled it across our back driveway.

[Movie: Logging chain (11M)]
Movie: Logging chain (11M)

Here’s a video clip:
https://youtu.be/wqOaL1NYwBk Continue reading

Finding Gretchen’s Sycamore Tree after Hurricane Helene

We raised this tree from knee-high, so we wanted to see how it was doing after Hurricane Helene.

[Finding Gretchen's Sycamore Tree after Hurricane Helene with chainsaw and dogs 2024-10-12]
Finding Gretchen’s Sycamore Tree after Hurricane Helene with chainsaw and dogs 2024-10-12

After I chainsawed through many yards of fallen trees, bushes, and vines, we found it battered but still standing.

Blondie and Honeybun were almost as happy as Gretchen to see it.

Here is a video playlist:


[The tree with the afternoon sun, 16:59:15]
The tree with the afternoon sun, 16:59:15


[Movie: Gretchen comes to her tree, 17:40:09]
Movie: Gretchen comes to her tree, 17:40:09


[Movie: Big pine on path to the pond, 17:43:40]
Movie: Big pine on path to the pond, 17:43:40


[Deadfall on south path, 17:55:46]
Deadfall on south path, 17:55:46


Small saw and little dogs on a log 2024-10-03

Small saw path, or big saw path?

Small saw, she said.

[16-inch Ego electric chainsaw on water oak deadfall]
16-inch Ego electric chainsaw on water oak deadfall

In her defense, we did saw a bunch of smaller stuff before we came to this deadfall. And that EGO 16-inch electric chainsaw will saw bigger logs than that. But I prefer the bigger saw for that sort of thing.

Meanwhile, on another log, the pale dogs were doing their circus act. Continue reading

Rat snake Black racer and dogs 2024-06-06

Update 2024-06-16 The snake experts say it’s a black racer (Coluber constrictor). I’ve come around to that identification, because it doesn’t have the narrow neck and wide head of a rat snake, and its body is round in cross-section, not loaf-shaped. Also, it struck like a cornered black racer. See this reference. I was just surprised it didn’t run away fast like a typical black racer. Maybe four dogs made it think cornered. Anyway, black racers also eat rodents, so happy munching, snake.

All four dogs didn’t like this rat snake at the workshop door, although only Blondie and Honeybun feature in these pictures.

[Dogs, snake]
Dogs, snake

It appears to be an eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis), with the white under its chin and side of head and otherwise black body.

It did try to strike at the dogs when they got close, but once I called them off it slithered back under the bench, and onwards.

Here’s a video:
https://youtu.be/e5AvoYPQmTE Continue reading