Along the back driveway one summer noon.
Maypop, Pea, Pokeberry, Dogs 2023-07-09
Calling herpetologists.
It’s definitely not a rattlesnake. Doesn’t seem to be any sort of venemous serpent. Probably just a rat snake. Continue reading
What kind of snake is this?
Probably not a moccasin, because it doesn’t have any stripes, and I’ve never seen one leave its tail sticking out like that. Usually a cottonmouth will face you and hiss.
The dogs found another snake earlier that probably was a moccasin, so we made them come along.
We also saw an anhinga on the surface. Usually we see them perched in a tree or flying. It did eventually fly off and perch.
Arrow, Blondie, Honeybun, Gretchen
Arrow won’t admit she can swim
We came home after a day on the river and had to dig out the dog.
Honeybun, Blondie, and Arrow stuck under a storage shed
You can hardly see the little pooch, but you can sure hear her complaining about being stuck under a storage shed.
I got a shovel and dug the opening out more.
She’s fine.
No dogs were harmed in the making of this video.
How she got under there is still a mystery.
Turns out dogs like water.
Arrow, Honeybun, Blondie, at water spigot 2023-06-18
Especially Arrow.
Here is a YouTube video playlist:
Facebook video version:
And some still pictures. Continue reading
Gretchen picked a red carrot.
Gretchen, red carrot, Honeybun, Arrow, water
Co-starring Honeybun and Arrow.
I could hear them well before we got there.
Movie: Flying from downed tree (65M)
These bees were probably living in that tree before it fell down.
Both the tree and the bees are still very much alive.
These are native bees, not imported honeybees.
The maypop Gretchen staked three weeks ago has climbed up the stake.
Maypop, fruit, dogs 2023-05-29
Gretchen tied it on some more. Continue reading
These usually start blooming in June, so it’s a little ahead.
It appears to be a Hibiscus laevis, halberdleaf rose-mallow or scarlet rose mallow.
Here are flowers from nearby plants a year ago, and a year before that.
Update 2023-05-30: Maypop fruit 2023-05-29.
This maypop is growing in an area we burned in January, and it had nothing to climb up on.
So Gretchen put in a stake for this Passiflora incarnata.