Tag Archives: Georgia

Citrus Resources –Marj Schneider

This goes with Yes, we can grow citrus in Georgia!, Marj Schneider’s talk at South Georgia Growing Local 2014. Also available in PDF and Word. -jsq

Citrus Resources

South GA Growing Local, January 25, 2014

From Marj Schneider: marjschneider@bellsouth.net

Loch Laurel Nursery
2867 Carroll Ulmer Road, Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Exit I-75 on Georgia Route 31 East (Exit 11). Turn right on Carroll Ulmer Road.
Nursery entrance is one half mile ahead on the left.
Phone: 229-460-5922
Email: craw142@bellsouth.net
Features cold hardy citrus, Satsumas, mandarins and lemons. Mark Crawford offered nursery tours for this conference.

McKenzie Farms
2115 Olanta Hwy, Scranton, SC29591
Phone: (843)-389-4831
EMAIL: citrusman99@hotmail.com
Stan McKenzie offers over 40 varieties of mostly cold hardy citrus, priced very affordably. Check out his website and call or write for availability and size.

Plant Folks Nursery
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Doug Tallamy at Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council & Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council A Joint Annual Symposium

Sent today by Karan Rawlins. -jsq

Please share this with everyone you know!
Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council
& Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council
A Joint Annual Symposium

November 12-14, 2014
Georgia Center, Athens

Keynote Speakers:
Douglas Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants
Charles Bargeron: Using Technology to Fight Invasive Species: Past, Present and Future
Nancy Lowenstein: Creating National Guidelines for Listing Invasive Plants

Lunch & Refreshments
GA-EPPC Membership
Door Prizes
Field Trips
Learn more about Exotic Pest Plant Councils in the Southeast at www.SE-EPPC.org.

Please read Douglas Tallamy’s book, Bringing Nature Home, before the Conference in November. If you are interested in native plants, ecosystems, songbirds and other wildlife, this book will provide much useful and interesting information.

Video of Prof. Doug Tallamy on Sustainable Landscaping, by U. Delaware:


SOGALO14 Farm Tours in the VDT

Most of the front page of the Valdosta Daily Times Saturday was about the South Georgia Growing Local 2014 Farm Tours.

Stuart Taylor wrote on the front page of the VDT 25 January 2014, Growing Local Farm Tour gets under way,

While past South Georgia Growing Local conferences have had self-guided farm tours, this year’s conference offered a guided tour through four local farms, starting off Friday morning at Raisin’ Cane.

“We teach people about agriculture,” said Jessica Bolesta, who Continue reading

4-H bus for Farm Tours

The 4-H bus we’ll be using for the Farm Tours today South Georgia Growing Local 2014 was in the Valdosta Daily Times Wednesday.

New minibus for Lowndes County 4-H,

Lowndes County 4-H honored County Commissioners and local businesses for their support of the 4-H program in the recent purchase of a new Lowndes County 4-H minibus at its Kids Dig It Thank You Luncheon held in December.

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Using Solar –John S. Quarterman

From solar electric fences to selling solar power for profit, John S. Quarterman will talk about solar opportunities for farmers and some legal hurdles, at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

Why solar power is the fastest growing industry in the world and how to apply it to agriculture. Financing is the main obstacle. Some ways to get financing, and at least one law that could be changed to help with that.

His conference bio: Continue reading

Curing Ham –Derrick Dawson

Derrick Dawson will talk about a long-time tradition at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

The Lowndes County Ham and Eggs show is the only remaining Ham and Eggs show in Georgia and one of only two in the country.

Hams are cured by a local team that travels periodically to Fort Valley State University to work in USDA certified facilities. Hams are treated with a cure, turned, treated, turned, treated, turned, washed, bagged and finally smoked over the course of several weeks in preparation for judging and auction.

The Ham and Eggs show this year will be February 18 and 19.

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Grow Your Own Organic Small Fruits –Jerry Larson

Veteran organic instructor Jerald Larson will talk about how to grow organic fruits at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

Jerry’s presentation will focus on blackberries, blueberries, figs and muscadine grapes. He will explain and demonstrate practical, low cost methods for trellising and pruning; soil and bed preparation; weed suppression, irrigation, and harvesting.

His conference bio: Continue reading

USDA & Rural Revitalization –Bryan J. Zulko

What the U.S. Department of Agriculture is doing about rural Georgia: Bryan Zulko will talk about that at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

I will go over a few initiatives I am currently working on, specifically the StrikeForce Initiative (persistent poverty 60 counties), SET (Stronger Economies Together), and the significance of RHIT (Rural Health Information Technology). In the 2nd part I will be discussing some of our funding programs, focusing on Rural infrastructure, local foods, downtown development, and essential community facilities.

His conference bio: Continue reading