Tag Archives: Georgia

Mobile Market at Barnes Drug Store every Tuesday

Today Lowndes County Partnership for Health picked up some OPF red potatoes to sell at their Mobile Market. Next week probably OPF okra. And every week other good vegetables and fruits from other farmers.

Here’s a South Health District facebook post of 10 June 2014:

It’s Tuesday – know what that means? The Mobile Market, full of fresh fruits and vegetables, will be at Barnes Drug Store Downtown Valdosta from 2:30-4:30! They’re there every Tuesday! Come by and see them…they accept all forms of payment.


Dr. Quarterman’s ground-breaking work will continue –Dr. J. Richard Carter

Received 13 June 2014 and permission to publish granted today. -jsq

From: J Richard Carter
To: Patrick Quarterman

I am very sorry to hear about Dr. Quarterman. She was a remarkable person. I started graduate school at Vanderbilt in 1978, a few years after Dr. Quarterman retired, so I didn’t have the privilege of taking her courses. However, she was still very much a presence in the department, attending seminars and interacting with faculty and students informally in the departmental conference room.

I also remember that she very kindly gave me a set of reprints of her classic Continue reading

Canning at Lowndes High School

Our outing today to the canning plant was a grand success. We had peas shelled, blanched and bagged and canned some peaches!

The canning plant at Lowndes High School is a wonderful resource in Lowndes County open now to the public for shelling, canning and more. Behind the Lowndes High School on Norman Drive.

Here are pictures from the canning class I taught there yesterday, organized by the Valdosta Community Garden group. These pictures are also on facebook.

Perfect timing. The Valdosta Daily Times had Continue reading

Home Canning Class and Canning Plant Demonstration

Gretchen will show you how, and then you get to do it, at Lowndes High School this morning, 10AM.

Contact: James Perdue
Valdosta Community Garden Group

See facebook event.


Memorial service for Elsie Quarterman in Nashville, TN 2014-06-21

In the Tennesseean today, Elsie Quarterman (1910 – 2014)


Guest Book

Elsie Quarterman, Nashville, TN

A Memorial service will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, June 21, 2014 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3900 West End Avenue, with a reception at the church following the service. Guestbook crawfordservices.com.

Crawford Mortuary & Crematory, 615-254-8200.

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Dr. Elsie Quarterman, November 28th 1910 – June 9th 2014

Today Aunt Elsie stepped over the final fence, dying peacefully at her home in Nashville, Tennessee, attended by her nephew Patrick and his wife Ann, as she had wanted.

Arrangements are still in progress. Perhaps more about the family later. For now, here is a biography with some pictures.

The Wilson Post wrote 20 April 2011, Quarterman shares fervor for cedar glades,

…her passion for the plant life of Middle Tennessee’s cedar glades blooms ever strong through the generations of students she inspired at Vanderbilt University from the 1940s into the mid-1970s. And those students, many now teachers themselves, continue to inspire new students and conservationists….

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Potatoes dug up yesterday at Valdosta Farm Days this morning

Gretchen and Cidalia just dug up these potatoes yesterday and this morning she’s taking them to Downtown Valdosta Farm Days, 9AM to 1PM, at the historic Lowndes County Courthouse. Continue reading

Valdosta Farm Days –Gretchen on WALB

Gretchen is at the old Lowndes County Courthouse now, setting up for Valdosta Farm Days, 9AM to 1PM today.

By Colter Anstaetts reported from Okra Paradise Farms for WALB yesterday, Lowndes County farmers ready for “Farm Days”,

Lowndes County farmers will be at the courthouse in downtown Valdosta from 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. selling their crops. This is the fourth year for the “Farm Days” program, and Lowndes County farmers are looking forward to it.

“I’m definitely looking forward to Farm days,” said Gretchen Quarterman, a farmer in Hahira. “It’s an excellent opportunity for farmers, not only to sell but for local people to get local, fresh food. And, when we buy from local farmers we support the local economy.”
