Tag Archives: Georgia

I Stand For What I Stand On: Permaculture for a Better Tomorrow –Benjamin & Jennifer Vieth @ SOGALO16 2016-02-06

Layered gardens as ecosystems that have persistent community and environmental benefits: permaculture.

Jennifer Vieth in the garden Description: We will be discussing how permaculture practices with an emphasis on land stewardship and building communities.

Who should attend: Anyone interested in community gardens, permaculture, and environmental philosophy.

“Benjamin Vieth has a BA in Continue reading

Essential Oils, by Mary Clement @ SOGALO16 2016-02-06

Back by popular demand, Mary Clement reminds us that not all growing is for food, about Four Seasons Oils (facebook).

Learn all about essential oils!

Discover the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils and how they can be used to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing. Learn about the different grades of oils, various applications for them and how these powerful resources can work as natural, chemical-free replacements for items you use every si ngle day. Discover how simple it is to remove toxic products from your life with the aid of essential oils.

There will be hands on demonstrations and Continue reading

Country Cure Meats by Derrick Dawson Sr. @ SOGALO16 2016-02-06

It’s a lost art most places, but not here!

Curing on shelf Learn the basics of curing meat at home.

How to make your cure (How much salt do I need? Should I use sugar?) Applying the cure (how much and how often) What supplies do I need? How long does it take?

Registration is open for South Georgia Growing Local, Saturday, February 6th 2016, at Pine Grove Middle School, Lowndes County, Georgia. Continue reading

Happy Serenity Acres Farm

Julia Shewchuk will present How to make Basic Goat Milk Soap at South Georgia Growing Local in February.

Gretchen Hein, New Leaf Market Co-op, Jan/Feb/Mar 2016, Local Spotlight—Serenity Acres Farm,

“Happy Soaps by Happy Goats,” is the tagline of the Serenity Acres Farm Goat Soap home page and “happy” describes many things about Serenity Acres Farm. Yes, even how it feels to be lathered by the suds of their goat milk soap.

Owned by Julia and Wayne, Serenity Acres Farm is located in nearby Madison County, Florida. It’s a small farm with a big goal of producing locally grown and farm-raised products free of major pesticides, hormones and genetically modified components. All their animals are Animal Welfare Approved certified and pasture based.

Originally, Julia and Wayne were looking for…. Continue reading

Lesser Known Crops for the Coastal Plain, by Bret Wagenhorst @ SOGALO16

The first posted of many talks you can hear at South Georgia Growing Local in February:

Description of the talk: A presentation of my experience growing, eating, selling various lesser known edible crops Cut persimmon of the coastal plain. I will try to include as many of the following as I can get to in my allotted time slot (not necessarily in this order): Asian yard long beans, bananas, black walnuts, bunching onions, cactus pears, carambola Continue reading

Dogs in Boats

A nice May evening at the pond with dogs in boats. Brown Dog on blue boat Except it was December. Gretchen posted these facebook pictures reposted below; click on any small picture to see a larger one. See also a few more pictures by jsq. -jsq

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Yellow Jessamine blooming in December?

In 2008 they bloomed in March, Two blooms in 2011 they bloomed in late February, in 2012 they bloomed in late January and early February, in 2013, they bloomed in the middle of January, and in 2015, some are blooming in late December. A couple of days ago, the sweet odor of Jessamine at the gate was overwhelming on Christmas Day. Does this seem right to you?


Full moon with clouds

She never saw a moon she didn’t want to photograph.

Gretchen and the moon

Gretchen got some much better pictures with a real camera and a tripod; see her facebook page. There were dogs there, too, but it was too dark for the cameras to see them. Here are a few more pictures from my phone. Continue reading