Tag Archives: Georgia

Bees and Wildlife Gardens –Student Track @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

The students like the bees.


South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!

When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!

Where: Continue reading

Backyard Hens –Claudia Dunkley @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

A popular class, Backyard Hens, and Claudia Dunkley of UGA is the expert all around.

Backyard Hens Audience

South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!

When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!

Where: Continue reading

Today! A good day for growing things and learning about them inside @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

Come on down this morning to PineVale Elementary and learn about growing things in our south Georgia subtropical climate! It’s rainy this morning and afternoon, and breezy all day; a great day for growing, and South Georgia Growing Local will be inside a new venue with cooking facilities!

5:54 AM EST 21 Jan 2017 When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017

Where: Pinevale Elementary School, 930 Lake Park Road, Valdosta GA.

Facebook: event and Community

Web: page with schedule.

If you’re still not convinced, watch Gretchen explain it on the radio with Continue reading

Growing Backyard Chickens –Claudia Dunkley @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

Dr. Claudia Dunkley, Extension Poultry Scientist, will speak about Growing Backyard Chickens at South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:

Basic information for beginning a backyard flock including: breeds, housing, nutrition, egg production and biosecurity.

Her conference bio: Continue reading

Tomorrow! and inside out of the rain @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

It may rain Saturday (tomorrow!), but South Georgia Growing Local will be inside at a new venue with cooking facilities! Watch Gretchen explain it on the radio with Chris Beckham and Scott James.

When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017

Where: Pinevale Elementary School, 930 Lake Park Road, Valdosta GA.

Facebook: event and Community

Web: page with schedule.


Videos: Gretchen Quarterman on Scott James Talk 92.1 Radio about South Georgia Growing Local 2017-01-17

South Georgia Growing Local is tomorrow Saturday! Two days ago, Gretchen Quarterman talked about it on the Scott James Morning Show on TALK 92.1 FM radio (WDDQ). With credit to the late James Wright “who was a real advocate for people who live in the city, and don’t have access to fresh foods”.

SOGALO17 will be at a new venue with cooking facilities!

When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017

Where: Pinevale Elementary School, 930 Lake Park Road, Valdosta GA.

Facebook: event and Community

Web: page

Here’s a video playlist: Continue reading

Videos: Gretchen Quarterman about SOGALO17 on Chris Beckham radio 105.9 FM 2017-01-12

Tomorrow Saturday! South Georgia Growing Local is this Saturday, January 21, 2017, at PineVale Elementary, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia. Here’s video of Gretchen Quarterman interviewed by Chris Beckham a week ago on his drive time radio show, 105.9 FM, WVGA.

SOGALO17 will be at a new venue with cooking facilities!

When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017

Where: Pinevale Elementary School, 930 Lake Park Road, Valdosta GA.

Facebook: event and Community

Web: page

And the video: Continue reading

Permaculture – A Sustainability Design Tool Kit –Stewart Douglas @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

Stewart Douglas will talk about Permaculture – A Sustainability Design Tool Kit, AquaponicsX01 at South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:

Description of your talk: Permaculture design principles in initiating and expanding sustainable food production systems. Particular focus on trends in urban micro food production systems and aquaponics.

Who should attend:

Anyone interested in sustainable and self-reliant systems. Those with passion in addressing threats to ecological and environmental systems.

Continue reading

Frisky Fermentation –Lori Freeman @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

Lori Freeman will talk about Frisky Fermentation at Lori Freeman South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:

Participants will learn how regular consumption of lacto-fermented vegetables provides beneficial bacteria to the intestinal tract and helps to keep us healthy. Food demo will include traditional method of preserving vegetables. Topics include:

  • The use of whey as a starter culture
  • Tools needed for fermenting
  • Making traditional sauerkraut
  • Fermenting other vegetables and such as carrots, red cabbage, beets

SOGALO17 will be at a new venue with cooking facilities! Continue reading