What you don’t want to find crawling on you.
Quite small but still bitey. Continue reading
Strolling the driveway one evening,
a pair of longleaf I did spy
Took their picture, saw them rising,
Candelabra to the sky.
Start with floating bottom in a pond…
Gretchen got a dozen or so sticks of banana trees. Here’s one that happens to be in front of a camera.
That’s today, and here’s a video from 29 June 2017 to 6 August 2017: Continue readingIf my electric utility paid me as much as I pay them for electricity, I’d be making a profit from my solar panels. As it is, I profit anyway by paying a lot less, the panels are paid for, and I get to watch the electric meter galloping backwards on a sunny day:
The little bars are moving to the left below the numbers, which means I’m selling solar power to the power company.
And that’s with only about Continue reading
The porch bucket wren chicks and their proud mama. Gretchen says it’s a Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus.
The last of a century-old tradition: local ham and eggs, right here in Lowndes County.
10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017
1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017
Lowndes County Extension Office
2102 E. Hill Ave., Valdosta, GA
Photo: Michael Rivera, Wikimedia Commons,
Creative Commons share, remix, attribution, share alike.
Daniel DeMersseman, VDT, 2017-02-10, Ham and Egg Show tradition returns,
Lowndes County’s annual Ham and Egg Show returns for its 67th year Feb. 14, 15.
The show once spread across every county in Georgia, said Velma Miles, chairman of the Lowndes Improvement Association. “We’re the only one left.”
Miles said the Continue reading
Less than an acre of planted pines, never burned since planted ten years ago.
Lit right up, burned real nice.
Here are some videos, and there are pictures below. Continue reading