Out for a walk.
Tag Archives: Georgia
Icy Pond 2018-01-03
Snowmaggeddon was a good day to stay off the roads, so I took a kayak on our pond. Saw buzzards, heard some ducks and probably a beaver. Lots of plants looking very strange.
Icy boats, Put-in
Movie: Ice breaker (18M), Starting out
Ice, clear, snow, The pond
Ice on top, Floating bottom
Lily pads, Floating bottom
Slant tree, East Shore
Spanish moss, Center
Lily pads, Center
Old dam, Beaver houses
Movie: Wind and ice (16M), Beaver houses
Lily with ice, Between dams
Movie: Icy beaver dam (20M), Between dams
Ripples, Catface
Way out, Turn back
Reflecting, Big beaver house
Point with paddle, Yellow jessamine
Lily pads, East shore
Across the ice, West shore
Cypress, Northwards
Video playlist.
Focus on Food, Conference in Waycross, GA 2018-03-17
Our friends in Waycross will be having a conference in March. Nothing this year in Lowndes.
Focus On Food (2nd Annual Homestead Guild Conference), hosted by Way Green Grassroots Homestead Guild.
When: Saturday, March 17 at 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: “More info coming soon!”
What: “Growing, raising, cooking, preserving and using food! Workshops will be announced soon. Vendor space will also be available. Mark your calendars!”
For more information, contact our friends at WayGreen in Waycross
Snow and Ice 2018-01-03
I did eventually break the ice for the dogs, but then they said the water was too cold. Lots of odd stuff during Snowmageddon.
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