Tag Archives: Georgia

Halberdleaf Rosemallow 2018-07-16

Each bloom last only one day, but you can see another coming along.

Five petals, Bloom and bud

Hibiscus laevis All. Halberdleaf Rosemallow, Rosemallow, Halberdleaf hibiscus, Scarlet rose mallow, Swamp mallow, Swamp rosemallow.


Wren nest inside screened porch

Some weeks back we saw a pair of Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) flitting about inside our screened porch. We thought they had wandered in and were trying to get out. But soon it became obvious they knew not one but two ways in and out.

Then we noticed they had built a nest in the pot of a hanging plant. That seemed silly, and they seemed to have abandoned that quest.

But today I saw the mama wren going in that nest. And here’s what’s inside the nest:

Nest in hanging plant pot, Wren

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Francine the softshell turtle laid some eggs 2018-05-30

Gretchen was working at the potting table under the end shelter when she noticed something odd right by the table. It was Francine, our friend the softshell tortoise, in from the woods, laying eggs in the same under the shelter.

Francine, Tortoise eggs

So we fenced the dogs out until she politely asked to be let out. Then I put Continue reading

Telephone conduit ditch 2018-05-24

Note to self: when using dirt bucket to remove fire ants, remember where telephone cable is buried, or….

Ditch dug, Cable
Ditch dug, Cable

Conduit in ditch, Cable
Conduit in ditch, Cable

Dirt over top, Cable
Dirt over top, Cable

Fortunately, Gretchen had cable-repair tools.

The dogs did not approve of these shenanigans.

The fire ants are not gone.
