Tag Archives: Georgia

B.W. Sinclair Dry Lake Road sawmill and Coffee Road 2019-02-10

“B W Sinclair also owned at one point some land along the Coffee Road,” says Wiregrass Region Digital History Project (WRDHP):

Coffee Road @ Jackson Road, Morven
WRDHP photograph, apparently from Lowndes County records

Magnetic variation 4° East Continue reading

Bowen Mill Pond in 1870 2019-02-07

Update 2019-02-10: His previous land on Coffee Road at Jackson Road, and family pictures.

Much to my surprise, according to evidence turned up by the Wiregrass Region Digital History Project (WRDHP), an owner of the mill at Bowen Mill Pond west of Quitman, Georgia was my great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Waters Sinclair.

Plots Outlined, Map
Annotated detail from WRDHP Google map of old Irwin County ca. 1870.

In an WRDHP facebook post 2019-02-06:

We have created a series of maps overlaid upon a modern google earth map that depict Continue reading

Gopher tortoise burrow in burned longleaf, with dogs 2019-01-27

After the prescribed burn, it’s a lot easier to see, and there are more gopher tortoise burrows than we thought.

With dogs, Gopher hole

Here’s another Gopherus polyphemus near the road. It’s good there are so many. Gophers are a keystone species, hosting Continue reading