Yesterday was downward-facing critters day.
Tag Archives: Georgia
Beautyberry, boats, bananas, fire 2020-10-04
Around Okra Paradise Farms this morning.
Beautyberry with boats, bananas, and wood fire
Also grapevine. And I keep pulling up Continue reading
Gretchen in the banana forest 2020-09-14
These banana trees are only a few years old, but they’re making bananas.
Plus a pack of four dogs!
Continue readingPack of Dogs 2020-08-31
Leash training day.
Honeybun and Nervous Nellie on their food deck, Brown Dog and Yellow Dog
Nervous Nellie is also known as the Jackal, because she looks like one, and loves to skulk around and bark. She barks less as times goes on.
Oh, yeah: that’s Gretchen.
Okra, Tomatoes 2020-07-15
Two colors of okra.
More every day, here at Okra Paradise Farms, halfway between Atlanta and Orlando and all the way to paradise.
And some tomatoes, but those are all picked out now. I blanched and froze some, and ate the rest. Continue reading
Green grapes 2020-06-29
They still look about that green, almost a month later:
But at least there are enough of them this year we may get some before the raccoons eat them all.
Corn wasps 2020-06-29
Good thing I looked before walking into the corn:
Those wasps seemed quite at home on that corn leaf. Continue reading
Small bird nest at pond 2020-06-14
What kind of bird makes these small nests?
Bigger than a hummingbird nest
They’re too big to be hummingbird nests.
Gretchen spotted them, one in the woods, the other at the pond.
Picking wild black cherries 2020-06-21
We don’t have a cherry picker, but we do have a ladder and a roof.
Gretchen on the roof picking black cherries
Later, I didn’t take a picture as I was on the ladder picking behind my head.
Garden mowed 2020-06-21
You can almost see it’s a garden, after weeks of weeding and Gretchen had just finished mowing between the rows.
After weeks of weeding and mowing
Visible, left to right: cucumber, yellow squash, okra, eggplant, tomato, corn (maize).