The recently planted cane was well-sprouted a week later.
A somewhat closer view. Continue reading
The recently planted cane was well-sprouted a week later.
A somewhat closer view. Continue reading
Was less work than expected.
Cane planting and planted 2023-04-21
Not burying it as deep this year, though. Only need four inches of dirt to keep it from freezing, not two feet to shovel off. Continue reading
A common occurrence in the woods: a banana spider on my hat.
These golden orb-weavers, genus Nephila, weave webs many feet across between trees, often at human eye height.
I left this one on a nearby bush.
Here are a few vegetables from the garden that day. Continue reading
Citrus: lemon, satsuma, blood orange, and grapefruit, two of each.
Better than the invasive chinaberry trees that used to be there. Getting rid of those took a bulldozer and years of mowing and harrowing. Continue reading
That’s less than half of the sugar cane on the bed when Gretchen wondered, “What was I thinking?”
Nervous Nellie thought it was great fun, running up and down the cane bed as I was digging it. The other dogs got bored and went home.
Gretchen cut almost all of the cane with her machete. (She didn’t approve of my axe.) Continue reading
You can almost see it’s a garden, after weeks of weeding and Gretchen had just finished mowing between the rows.
After weeks of weeding and mowing
Visible, left to right: cucumber, yellow squash, okra, eggplant, tomato, corn (maize).
We planted a garden yesterday: peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, and okra.