That pine deadfall in the back driveway was in the way, so I removed it the next day.
These other logs also I recently dragged out of there with tractor and logging chain. Continue reading
That pine deadfall in the back driveway was in the way, so I removed it the next day.
These other logs also I recently dragged out of there with tractor and logging chain. Continue reading
Update 2025-01-18: Removed: pine deadfall in back driveway 2025-01-14.
Could this be a problem?
I’ll get to it either today or tomorrow, so when something else falls on the front driveway we’ll have a way out the back. Continue reading
Every path through my woods looks like this. Hurricane Helene was ten times worse than Idalia for south Georgia and north Florida. Forestry is Georgia’s top industry, and it is hurting bad, along with pecan trees and other agriculture.
Fallen oak and pine trees after Hurricane Helene
Gretchen and her granddaughter Elleanor tried rolling an oak limb out of the way.
Suddenly, as by magic, it’s done! Continue reading
Oops. That oak tree insisted on going south when I cut it down. It made a big dent in the tractor shed roof.
It broke off the end of one roof truss. But the main truss and the plate it is sitting on are undamaged. So it’s fixable, and not so bad meanwhile. Continue reading
After I chainsawed a cherry tree off the corncrib and dropped some cherry logs on the boat rack, I screwed it back together almost straight.
Rebuilt boat rack almost straight
We used child labor to roll out the resulting cherry logs. Continue reading
Walk anywhere, take chainsaws.
We hadn’t finished cleaning up from Hurricane Idalia, more than a year ago. Hurricane Helene was ten times worse.
At least the dogs get some amusement out of climbing logs.
Most woods paths are like this, or worse
A bright spot. It survived Hurricane Helene: the Little House the Three Stooges Built in the Woods.
Trees north and south of it blew west and missed it. Continue reading
That one almost caught me when it sprang up four feet.
26-inch pine with 18-inch chainsaw
That EGO 18-inch electric chainsaw will gnaw through big stuff eventually.
That slash pine tree was pushing 100 years old until Hurricane Helene. Continue reading
We raised this tree from knee-high, so we wanted to see how it was doing after Hurricane Helene.
Finding Gretchen’s Sycamore Tree after Hurricane Helene with chainsaw and dogs 2024-10-12
After I chainsawed through many yards of fallen trees, bushes, and vines, we found it battered but still standing.
Blondie and Honeybun were almost as happy as Gretchen to see it.
Here is a video playlist:
The tree with the afternoon sun, 16:59:15
Movie: Gretchen comes to her tree, 17:40:09
Movie: Gretchen looking up at her tree, 17:40:45
It was knee high when we transplanted it
Movie: Survived better than almost anything else nearby, 17:41:01
Movie: Gretchen, Blondie, and Honeybun at her tree, 17:41:20
Movie: Big pine on path to the pond, 17:43:40
Deadfall on south path, 17:55:46