Tag Archives: Fire

Prescribed burns

Gretchen and I burned some woods the last couple days. Here’s why we burn: longleaf pine unharmed, while small trees of other species (slash and loblolly pine, an especially oaks) are weeded out by the fire.

Why we burn: longleaf unharmed

Click on any picture for a bigger one. -jsq

Day 1: Planted pines

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Protracted extreme drought: U.S. Drought Monitor, 2012-05-08

Acording to U.S. Drought Monitor, drought throughout south Georgia and surrounding areas is either extreme or exceptional, and has been for months.

Here you can see detail for Georgia:

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Greening and candling burned longleaf

Back in December we burned some planted longleaf. Six weeks later, they’re greening up and candling. I couldn’t find a single longleaf that didn’t survive. Even ones that a few weeks ago you would have thought were burnt sticks now have green leaves or white candles or both.

Here’s a slideshow.

Longleaf greening after fire, Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia.
Pictures by John S. Quarterman 29 February 2012.
