Tag Archives: cypress swamp

Cypress Swamp pollen 2025-02-27

The cypress swamp is full of water and pollen.

[Cypress swamp pollen]
Cypress swamp pollen

That slash pine on the left is an example of a tree blown down by Hurricane Helene that still has a rootball and green needles.

Maybe some day soon the pine salvage operation will get here for such trees. They can’t survive like that, and they have some value as saw-timber of pulpwood.


Frozen cypress swamp with dogs 2025-01-23

Cold enough the dogs did not want to go into the cypress swamp, after the January 22, 2025, sleet and snow storm.

[Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry]
Gretchen pokes it with a stick as Blondie, River, and Sky stay high and dry

Honeybun did not even come down to the frozen water’s edge. River, Sky, and Blondie stayed out of the water. Continue reading

Cypress Swamp with dogs after Hurricane Helene 2024-11-11

Our cypress swamp doesn’t look too bad at the west end, after Hurricane Helene.

[Deadfall, west end]
Deadfall, west end

But some of it is quite bad. Continue reading

Dog Bath 2022-10-21

Update 2022-12-15: Washing the dogs 2022-12-10.

The dogs got really muddy in a beaver pond just before dark, so Gretchen gave them baths.

[Blondie and bathtub]
Blondie and bathtub

After I unclogged the drain, this is what was left.

Honeybun also got a bath, but I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. Continue reading

Grapes, beaver pond, sycamore, beggarticks, bananas, cypress swamp, dogs 2022-08-10

A walk in the woods one summer day.

[Grapes, sycamore, banana, cypress swamp]
Grapes, sycamore, banana, cypress swamp

Those grapes were ripe and tasty. Muscadine, Vitis rotundifolia. This is down by a beaver pond. Continue reading

Maypop, bananas, Arrow in bathtub 2022-06-27

A late June day.

[Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub]
Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub

A month later, the Passiflora incarnata are still blooming, there are more banana bunches now, there are puddles in the cypress swamp, and Arrow still likes to cool off in her bathtub. Continue reading