Fortunately Yellow Dog and Brown Dog weren’t around when I stopped the tractor
to wait for this corn snake to slither across.
Later I showed it to Gretchen (see below). Continue reading
Fortunately Yellow Dog and Brown Dog weren’t around when I stopped the tractor
to wait for this corn snake to slither across.
Later I showed it to Gretchen (see below). Continue reading
Snake in the grass and in the hand:
Yellow Dog caught this snake by the swamp. She set it down when I told her too (I was surprised). When she and Brown Dog went off in the brush, I picked it up to transport it where they wouldn’t get it again. Snake on the skin: Continue reading
It’s harmless, except to small rodents that live in corn fields. Elaphe guttata is a constrictor. This one was 3 or 4 feet long. They’re native to the U.S. southeast from New Jersey to Texas. I did not know until that day that corn snakes can climb trees.
Here he is stretched out: Continue reading