The students like the bees.
South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!
When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!
Where: Continue reading
The students like the bees.
South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!
When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!
Where: Continue reading
A popular class, Backyard Hens, and Claudia Dunkley of UGA is the expert all around.
South Georgia Growing Local is inside a new venue with cooking facilities!
When: 9AM-4:30 PM, Saturday, January 21st 2017 today, right now!
Where: Continue reading
Dr. Claudia Dunkley, Extension Poultry Scientist,
will speak about Growing Backyard Chickens
South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:
Basic information for beginning a backyard flock including: breeds, housing, nutrition, egg production and biosecurity.
Her conference bio: Continue reading
I recognized them from Food, Inc. They get them out of the chicken houses at night. It was maybe around 8 o’clock in the morning. (7:51 according to the timestamp.) According to Food, Inc., they’re put in the cages as little babies, and they put the sides down. These chickens have probably never seen daylight before: Continue reading