The pond was too dam high,
and the beavers were girdling trees far out from the usual shore,
so we set sail to pipe the beaver dam.
Dogs waiting for us to get the boat to the deep water:
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The pond was too dam high,
and the beavers were girdling trees far out from the usual shore,
so we set sail to pipe the beaver dam.
Dogs waiting for us to get the boat to the deep water:
Continue readingYou did this, didn’t you? Continue reading
Why yes, yes it did. You can see one of the pipes underneath the second log. And the water in the beaver pond is clearly lower.
Maybe the beavers won’t
gnaw down as many trees.
Here’s where the water goes: Continue reading
Trees gnawed down by beavers.
Here Gretchen pans around the pond: Continue reading
This is an ordinary 4 inch perforated drain pipe, bought at North Lowndes Hardware. It needs to go through that dam I’m standing on. How do you do that? First remove a bunch of sticks (gloves are useful for this): Continue reading
The yellow dog decides to catch it: Continue reading