A very tiny spring or seep.
Brown Dog thinks it’s a puddle, but it never goes dry.
Next to it is a sycamore tree.
Gretchen likes sycamores.
A very tiny spring or seep.
Brown Dog thinks it’s a puddle, but it never goes dry.
Next to it is a sycamore tree.
Gretchen likes sycamores.
Our restaurant customer came to pick up some produce.
You’ll be able to eat these greens and grits at 401 West, St. Marys, GA. Continue reading
Tom H. Johnson Jr. and Mary Caroline Pindar wanted to see the garden at Okra Paradise Farms.
Abelmoschus esculentus, okra, lady’s fingers, gumbo, ngombo, bhindi, vendakkai, and many other names. Possibly from West Africa, or Ethiopia, or South Asia. Requires full sun and hot temperatures with good soil. Continue reading
Update 2019-05-20: A more likely identification.
Definitely not a rattlesnake. Whatever it is, it chose poorly by showing up right in front of the dogs’ doghouse.
Don’t know which dog dislikes them most, maybe Yellow Dog. Continue reading
It’s a Nepenthes.
Pretty sure it’s a Nepenthes mirabilis, which is common across southeast Asia. Yes, that makes it exotic here, but it’s very picky, so Continue reading
Found in the same spot as three years ago.
Presumably the common sundew, Drosera rotundifolia. Continue reading
We planted a garden yesterday: peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, and okra.
“B W Sinclair also owned at one point some land along the Coffee Road,” says Wiregrass Region Digital History Project (WRDHP):
WRDHP photograph, apparently from Lowndes County records
Magnetic variation 4° East Continue reading