Duck box in the cypress swamp.
Waiting for ducks. Continue reading
Nothing happens out our front door on a foggy morning except birds sing, owls hoot.
It was with much sadness that we said goodbye to the Brown Dog.
A quick moving cancer took her from being her delightful brown dog self to a mere shadow. Her personality, “don’t look at me while I am eating” was true to the end and when she was ready, she told us it was time to go, January 11, 2021.
Arriving as a pup on October 16, 2008, She-Ra consented to keeping the two upstarts. Our veterinarian, Dr. Ruff, said the dogs were about a year old. When asked what were their names we said “Brown Dog and Yellow Dog”. That is how we had been calling them while we decided if they would stay. After a month, they knew their names and so they were, the Brown Dog and the Yellow Dog.
Through adventures of snake bites, gopher tortoise escapades, controlled burns of forest management, gardening, snow, hurricanes, boat rides, and river adventures, Brown Dog lived a full and wonderful life.
Brown Dog is survived by her pack that includes her littermate Yellow Dog, acolytes Nellie and HoneyBun and her humans and predeceased by her mentor She-Ra.
Note to self: oven timer is merely advisory; does not turn off oven.
Ingredients, Oven, Baked Cornbread
Gretchen didn’t mention that in the recipe she gave me. Here are the cornbread ingredients, including our own Okra Paradise Farms blue corn flour. Continue reading
Gretchen left these plants locked inside, but while she wasn’t looking they escaped.
They’ll have to go back inside tomorrow; freeze predicted. Continue reading
There are two paths you can go on. Also two dogs.
Actually, four dogs, but the other two already ran ahead.
Mystery solved.
Fortunately, Gretchen had some compressed air.
The dogs wondered what I was doing creating a dust storm on the porch.
Also I swapped the laptop’s memory for twice as much, and now it doesn’t hang several times a day like before, even with google-earth-pro, facebook, google drive, wordpress, and about forty other things in tabs.
It’s that time of year.
Plenty of dead oaks to cut up for firewood.
That’s good, but also troubling: too many dead trees due to spells of drought and heat.
Here’s a brief video: Continue reading
Despite how it sometimes seems, the porch dogs do from time to time stop barking and just lie quietly on their beds. In this case both on the same bed, because Yellow Dog was in residence.
Yellow Dog, Honeybun, Nervous Nellie, far to near
Don’t worry, there are actually four beds, one for each dog, if they want them.