Yellow Dog is really not easily impressed.
Burning the woods 10 feet in front of her dog house produced a lot of smoke, as you can see.
Did she care?
Tag Archives: Brown Dog
Dogs in the culvert, TV on the road
Dogs don’t care about TV unles they’re on it; culverts are much more fun.
Yellow Dog was curious enough
to sniff around the TV camera,
but mostly they sniffed under things, laid in the dirt, and sat in the doggie fort.
Here’s a video. The incessant hissing is what that tiny natural gas pipeline station for a mere 9-inch pipeline sounds like 24/7, 365 days a year.
Continue readingMushroom sun dogs
Happy Serenity Acres Farm
Julia Shewchuk will present How to make Basic Goat Milk Soap at South Georgia Growing Local in February.
Gretchen Hein, New Leaf Market Co-op, Jan/Feb/Mar 2016, Local Spotlight—Serenity Acres Farm,
“Happy Soaps by Happy Goats,” is the tagline of the Serenity Acres Farm
Goat Soap home page and “happy” describes many things about Serenity Acres Farm. Yes, even how it feels to be lathered by the suds of their goat milk soap.
Owned by Julia and Wayne, Serenity Acres Farm is located in nearby Madison County, Florida. It’s a small farm with a big goal of producing locally grown and farm-raised products free of major pesticides, hormones and genetically modified components. All their animals are Animal Welfare Approved certified and pasture based.
Originally, Julia and Wayne were looking for…. Continue reading
Dogs in Boats
A nice May evening at the pond with dogs in boats.
Except it was December.
Gretchen posted these
facebook pictures reposted below; click on any small picture to see a larger one.
See also a few more pictures
by jsq.
Graceful Dogs
Dogs in the woods
Full moon with clouds
She never saw a moon she didn’t want to photograph.
Gretchen got some much better pictures with a real camera and a tripod; see her facebook page. There were dogs there, too, but it was too dark for the cameras to see them. Here are a few more pictures from my phone. Continue reading
Prescribed burns
Gretchen and I burned some woods the last couple days. Here’s why we burn: longleaf pine unharmed, while small trees of other species (slash and loblolly pine, an especially oaks) are weeded out by the fire.
Click on any picture for a bigger one. -jsq
Day 1: Planted pines
Continue readingSmut no more: tasty corn fungus!
Corn smut a delicacy? Well, if truffles can be, why not?
Jill Neimark, the salt, 24 August 2015,
Scourge No More: Chefs Invite Corn Fungus To The Plate,
One evening last July, Nat Bradford walked along rows of White Bolita Mexican corn at his Sumter, S.C., farm, and nearly wept. All 1,400 of the corn plants had been overtaken almost overnight by corn smut, recalls Bradford, who’s also a landscape architect. The smut, from a fungus called Ustilago maydis, literally transforms each corn kernel into a bulbous, bulging bluish-grey gall. It is naturally present in the soil and can be lofted easily into the air and onto plants.
Smut is considered a scourge by most U.S. farmers, and it goes by the nickname “devil’s corn.” Just one discolored kernel typically renders an ear completely unsellable….
Yep, that’s the way we’ve usually considered it. But keep reading: Continue reading