They’ve got all directions covered.
Arrow on boat, Honeybun on land, Blondie in swamp
Below the longleaf pines, in a thicket: ten turkey eggs. Mama turkey flew up in a tree. Turkeys lay one egg a day, so it took her ten days to deposit those.
The dogs found them. Honeybun made off with another egg in her mouth. Blondie covered the getaway. Continue reading
Yellow Dog in the white corn as it tassles.
Yellow Dog would follow me every morning as I hoed the corn. Continue reading
May has been a bit of a tumultuous month for us on the farm. At the beginning of the month, our Nellie was killed by truck on GA122, at Hagan Bridge. It has stunned us all that such a horrible thing could happen to our pack. Our grieving has been deep and continues.
However, we are lucky to welcome Blondie to the fold. She is a one year old Carolina dog and Honeybun and Yellow Dog are now showing her around the farm, introducing her to the delights of the woods, the fields, and the swamp. We don’t know much about her, she was a stray that managed to find her way to a rescue organization, and from there to us.