Tag Archives: bananas

Gretchen measuring banana leaves 2025-03-19

A few days before, Gretchen whacked off the tops of these banana plants with a machete. She says this is necessary after they freeze in the winter.

[At least a foot]
At least a foot

That leaf measured a foot of growth.


River and Blondie assisted. -jsq

Maypop, bananas, Arrow in bathtub 2022-06-27

A late June day.

[Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub]
Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub

A month later, the Passiflora incarnata are still blooming, there are more banana bunches now, there are puddles in the cypress swamp, and Arrow still likes to cool off in her bathtub. Continue reading

Beyond blueberries and peanuts: lesser known crops for the coastal plain –Bret Wagenhorst @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21

Bret Wagenhorst will talk about Beyond blueberries and peanuts: lesser known crops for the coastal plain, at South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:

Bananas on tree An overview of many less conventional crops that the speaker has grown in tifton, including how to grow, uses. Some crops to be covered: luffa gourds, chayote squash, seminole pumpkins, roselle, narajilla, chestnuts, kiwi, tropical greens, bananas, papayas, loquats, tumeric, ginger and more.

Who should attend:

Folks who want to think outside the box of conventional crops and learn about other tasty, nutritious things to grow in the coastal plain.

Brief Biography: Continue reading

Lesser Known Crops for the Coastal Plain, by Bret Wagenhorst @ SOGALO16

The first posted of many talks you can hear at South Georgia Growing Local in February:

Description of the talk: A presentation of my experience growing, eating, selling various lesser known edible crops Cut persimmon of the coastal plain. I will try to include as many of the following as I can get to in my allotted time slot (not necessarily in this order): Asian yard long beans, bananas, black walnuts, bunching onions, cactus pears, carambola Continue reading

Minor food crops to consider for the hobby gardener or small scale farmer –Bret Wagenhorst @ SOGALO15

300x224 Starfruit pile, in Minor food crops to consider for the hobby gardener or small scale farmer, by Bret Wagenhorst, for OkraParadiseFarms.org, 14 December 2014 Chayote squash, feijoas, bananas, Jerusalem artichokes, roselle, chestnuts and black walnuts, kiwano melons, star fruit, grapefruit, Seminole pumpkins, papayas, Japanese persimmons, and rice: all these can be grown in south Georgia, says Bret Wagenhorst of Brighton Farms. He will talk about those crops at South Georgia Growing Local 2015, January 24, 2015, at Pine Grove Middle School in Lowndes County north of Valdosta. You can register now.

There are many food crops that aren’t typically grown commercially in south Georgia/north Florida that can do well on a small scale. This talk will Continue reading