Valdosta flooded; residents canoing around streets.
I wonder if anybody will draw a connection between all the tree cutting and paving of recent years and this flooding, which is at least partly due to increased runoff because of those things.
Valdosta flooded; residents canoing around streets.
I wonder if anybody will draw a connection between all the tree cutting and paving of recent years and this flooding, which is at least partly due to increased runoff because of those things.
How do you tell when a 100 pound Rotweiller is ecstatic? When she turns into an alligator.
The water is down a couple of inches as you can see by the watermarks, but it’s still pretty full.
And after 4 more inches (9 total), 7:50 AM Monday 25 August 2008:
More water in the ditches; otherwise about the same.
Pictures by jsq.
That was on Monday 18 August. Here’s the same swamp on Saturday, 23 August, after 4 inches of rain from tropical storm Fay, this time with human and dog for scale:
Fay dropped 5 more inches of rain on the swamp since then. Stay tuned to see if the dog can swim.
Pictures by Gretchen.