Fortunately Yellow Dog and Brown Dog weren’t around when I stopped the tractor
to wait for this corn snake to slither across.
Later I showed it to Gretchen (see below). Continue reading
Fortunately Yellow Dog and Brown Dog weren’t around when I stopped the tractor
to wait for this corn snake to slither across.
Later I showed it to Gretchen (see below). Continue reading
Snake in the grass and in the hand:
Yellow Dog caught this snake by the swamp. She set it down when I told her too (I was surprised). When she and Brown Dog went off in the brush, I picked it up to transport it where they wouldn’t get it again. Snake on the skin: Continue reading
A snakey present from the dogs:
Picture by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 14 September 2012.
I like snakes: they eat rodents, and I’m allergic to rodents.
But the dogs don’t like snakes that trespass on their area near the house.
They left this one in the middle of the walkway from the house to the carport.
You see it in the truck on the way to somewhere else.
I think Yellow Dog is nostalgic for her YouTube hit, Black Snake vs. Yellow Dog. They look mild-mannered, Yellow Dog and Brown Dog, but so far a beaver, a raccoon, several rattlesnakes, and two kinds of water moccassins have found tangling with the dogs is not a good idea.
Although that copperhead did give Yellow Dog a bit of a hangover.
Yellow Dog thanks you for your concern.
Yes, Brown Dog and Yellow Dog found another hog-nosed snake. Hiding:
Yellow Dog and Brown Dog pointing:
Pictures by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms.
Can you see it there, between the wiregrass and the oak log?
Here’s a video.
Video by Gretchen Quarterman, Lowndes County, Georgia, 7 September 2011.
You can see its tail move. Continue reading
I pick it up on a hoe. Most snakes it’s more like raking them into the box with the hoe, but this one’s playing dead: Continue reading