Category Archives: Silviculture

Doug Tallamy at Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council & Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council A Joint Annual Symposium

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Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council
& Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council
A Joint Annual Symposium

November 12-14, 2014
Georgia Center, Athens

Keynote Speakers:
Douglas Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants
Charles Bargeron: Using Technology to Fight Invasive Species: Past, Present and Future
Nancy Lowenstein: Creating National Guidelines for Listing Invasive Plants

Lunch & Refreshments
GA-EPPC Membership
Door Prizes
Field Trips
Learn more about Exotic Pest Plant Councils in the Southeast at

Please read Douglas Tallamy’s book, Bringing Nature Home, before the Conference in November. If you are interested in native plants, ecosystems, songbirds and other wildlife, this book will provide much useful and interesting information.

Video of Prof. Doug Tallamy on Sustainable Landscaping, by U. Delaware:


Bringing Nature Home –Beth Wiggins Grant

Student Naturalist Beth Grant will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

In his book Bringing Nature Home, Dr. Doug Tallamy explains how everyone who loves the wonders of the natural world can contribute to the survival of our native birds, butterflies, and other treasures by providing the native plants needed to support them. Beth Grant has recently obtained permission from Dr. Tallamy to present his slideshow on his findings. By acting on Dr. Tallamy’s practical recommendations, you can make a difference for bio-diversity while bringing endlessly fascinating wildlife to your home. Handouts will be provided. Copies of Bringing Nature Home and Dr. Gil Nelson’s Best Native Plants for Southern Gardens will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to Birdsong Nature Center.

Here’s her conference bio: Continue reading

Pine pollen early this year?

Does it seem early to you to see this slash pine pollen cone on ground, and the thin film of yellow pine pollen on everything outside?

Slash pine pollen cone on ground

Picture by John S. Quarterman for Okra Paradise Farms, Lowndes County, Georgia, 30 January 2013.
