Start with floating bottom in a pond…
Category Archives: Plants
Swamp rosemallow
Didn’t know there was one on that path.
Also known as Halberdleaf rosemallow, Hibiscus laevis All. It’s a forb that grows all over the eastern U.S. and in Ontario. I’ve got one in a pot here on my front porch that I dug up to get it out of the next path mowing. No, they don’t have much of an odor. Yes, they are five-lobed flowers, and they do seem to like disturbed soil. The ones I have are not in a swamp; they’re in upland woods.
HolisticNutrition: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants –Ashley Dowdy @ SOGALO17 2017-01-21
Ashley Dowdy will talk about HolisticNutrition, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants,”
South Georgia Growing Local 2017, January 21, 2017 in Valdosta, Georgia:
We will be discussing a variety of topics covering basic nutrition including macro vs micro nutrients, optimal diets for longevity, how to make lasting changes to your eating habits, how to plan meals and feed your family.
Who should attend:
Anyone interested in learning the nutrition basics to live a healthier life. Learn how to design and maintain a healthy diet and why you should strive for nutrient-dense natural foods.
Bio: Continue reading
Dr. Elsie Quarterman, Plant Ecologist, at Cheekwood
A bench inscribed simply “Dr. Elsie Quarterman, Plant Ecologist” sits
under cedar trees in the herb garden at Cheekwood Botanical Garden;
appropriately for a scientist whose specialty was cedar glades.
She was involved with Cheekwood for many years, and was its Acting Director from 1967 to 1968. She helped establish the herb garden in which the bench sits. Continue reading