She transplanted that tree when it wasn’t knee-high.
Don’t tell her other trees she likes this one better. Continue reading
She transplanted that tree when it wasn’t knee-high.
Don’t tell her other trees she likes this one better. Continue reading
The firebird appears to be a Carolina wren.
This Thryothorus ludovicianus didn’t seem to mind that I was three feet from it. Continue readingThese potatoes are stuck together.
Really, I washed it.
Yes, you can eat these roots. They just take Continue reading
Gretchen wants to know what is this plant that she found on the floating bottom?
She plucked it from here. Continue reading
The dogs like this.
Some pretty things bloomed on the way to the pond. Continue reading
After a few hours of hacking and tractor-mowing Japanese Climbing Fern and Chinese Privet, this is what my shirt looked like:
Everybody wears a white shirt to work in the woods, right?
In the same place as a month ago, but now grown to a clump:
Probably Sarracenia minor, the Continue reading
Found in the same spot as three years ago.
Presumably the common sundew, Drosera rotundifolia. Continue reading