Could this be a problem?
Flat tire, fixing, Adel Tire Co.
Wasn’t flat when I parked it. Continue reading
Could this be a problem?
Flat tire, fixing, Adel Tire Co.
Wasn’t flat when I parked it. Continue reading
This bread was so beauteous that Gretchen wouldn’t let anybody eat it for several days.
Then it was very tasty.
This gopher tortoise ran out of the back driveway into this thicket.
Gopher tortoise in the briar patch
This Gopherus polyphemus is hard to see in there. Continue reading
This rat snake was stuck on the sticky traps.
Fortunately, vegetable oil softens the glue and the snake writhed free.
Didn’t seem in any hurry to go anywhere. Continue reading
A flock of split-tailed kites wheeling above where I just cultivated the okra.
Here’s a movie of these Elanoides forficatus, also known as swallow-tail kites: Continue reading
It’s that time of year.
In the spring, pine pollen settles on the solar panels like yellow mud. A strong water spray loosens it up, and scrubbing removes it. Continue reading