Category Archives: Insects

Skeeter hawk and blackberries 2024-06-05

We were picking blackberries when this skeeter hawk landed on me.

[Dragonfly and blackberries]
Dragonfly and blackberries

The dragonfly just sat there for many minutes while I picked with my right hand.

Eventually it flew away.

The blackberries are very ripe and tasty.


Praying Mantis 2021-08-07

On the truck:


It’s some kind of Mantodea. Probably a native-to-Georgia Carolina Mantis, Stagmomantis carolina. Probably not the larger bird-eating species. These ones eat insects.

Here’s Gretchen observing it. Continue reading

Video: Wasps 2020-04-12

Something to avoid on the water.

[Wasp nest]
Wasp nest

As good a video as I could get, since I didn’t want to get any closer:

Stay tuned for great blue herons and a red-bellied woodpecker.


Doug Tallamy at Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council & Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council A Joint Annual Symposium

Sent today by Karan Rawlins. -jsq

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Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council
& Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council
A Joint Annual Symposium

November 12-14, 2014
Georgia Center, Athens

Keynote Speakers:
Douglas Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants
Charles Bargeron: Using Technology to Fight Invasive Species: Past, Present and Future
Nancy Lowenstein: Creating National Guidelines for Listing Invasive Plants

Lunch & Refreshments
GA-EPPC Membership
Door Prizes
Field Trips
Learn more about Exotic Pest Plant Councils in the Southeast at

Please read Douglas Tallamy’s book, Bringing Nature Home, before the Conference in November. If you are interested in native plants, ecosystems, songbirds and other wildlife, this book will provide much useful and interesting information.

Video of Prof. Doug Tallamy on Sustainable Landscaping, by U. Delaware:


Honeybee Roulette: Gambling with our Future –Heather Davis

Heather Davis will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:

My presentation will be about how I became interested in honeybees and where my research has led me. It will begin with very basic information about honeybees and how they are important to our ecology. Then I will touch on how the monocultures and industrialized farming, pesticides and GMO/systemic pesticides are killing the bees and our culture and environment as we know it.

I will have pamphlets on GMO’s, how to make your own pesticides/insecticides that are safe for pollinators, what plants to grow to encourage a bio-diverse ecology at home for pollinators and a few others.

She’s on facebook as Sage Apiaries, “Pollination is the future of our food!”

Her conference bio: Continue reading