Proof the elusive Tom Kuettner can be captured. Gretchen Quarterman delivered popcorn from Okra Paradise Farms to Cory Danner and picked up our order yesterday from Dirt Road Organics Buying Club.
More pictures below.
Continue readingProof the elusive Tom Kuettner can be captured. Gretchen Quarterman delivered popcorn from Okra Paradise Farms to Cory Danner and picked up our order yesterday from Dirt Road Organics Buying Club.
More pictures below.
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Research, including studies presented at the conference in Istanbul, is showing that organic agriculture can deliver reliably high yields ”and that organic fields thrive in the face of disaster and duress, where chemical-reliant crops falter. Organic fields, for example, fare significantly better than chemically managed ones in the face of extreme weather, such as droughts or floods.
Anna Lappe, for takepart, 4 November 2014, Yes, Organic Farming Can Feed the World, Continue reading
One of the easiest “convenience foods” to make at home is mayonnaise. Once you make your own, to your own taste, you’ll never go back to store bought.
Some time back, I stumbled across the book Make Your Own Convenience Foods by Don and Joan German and my kitchen and pantry haven’t been the same since.
Basic Recipe:
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 teaspoon lecithin (optional)
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard (actually to taste)
1/4 teaspoon salt (again to taste)
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil (depends upon size of yolks)
Actually making the mayo is really pretty easy.
Step two: put yolks into blender with vinegar, mustard and salt
Step three: put top on blender and mix this up well.
Step four: take out little plug from top of blender and slowly add oil in pencil thin stream. (about 20-25 seconds)
Step five: scoop mayo out of blender into a jar and label
And now you have delicious home made mayo, no preservatives, no chemicals, and just the herbs and spices you like.
Today Lowndes County Partnership for Health picked up some OPF red potatoes to sell at their Mobile Market. Next week probably OPF okra. And every week other good vegetables and fruits from other farmers.
Here’s a South Health District facebook post of 10 June 2014:
It’s Tuesday – know what that means? The Mobile Market, full of fresh fruits and vegetables, will be at Barnes Drug Store Downtown Valdosta from 2:30-4:30! They’re there every Tuesday! Come by and see them…they accept all forms of payment.
The 64th Annual Ham and Eggs show is this week. The only one left in Georgia, it is not to be missed.
Where: Lowndes County Civic Center
2102 E Hill Ave.
Valdosta, GA 31601
11am Tuesday, February 18th Judging.
Tuesday events will also include presentations on
1pm Wednesday, February 19th Auction.
I’ll be there. I hope to see you.
–gretchen Continue reading
Heather Davis will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
My presentation will be about how I became interested in honeybees and where my research has led me. It will begin with very basic information about honeybees and how they are important to our ecology. Then I will touch on how the monocultures and industrialized farming, pesticides and GMO/systemic pesticides are killing the bees and our culture and environment as we know it.
I will have pamphlets on GMO’s, how to make your own pesticides/insecticides that are safe for pollinators, what plants to grow to encourage a bio-diverse ecology at home for pollinators and a few others.
She’s on facebook as Sage Apiaries, “Pollination is the future of our food!”
Her conference bio: Continue reading
Master Gardener Annie Barbas
will speak at
South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
The session will give an overview of planning, preparation, plant materials, tools and the process of various forms of grafting including some physical examples in differing stages of the process.
We will cover the the necessity of Planning, Preparation, Precision, Patience and Prayer needed for grafting success. We will not be grafting, but I will have some recently grafted material to view (last summer) as well as various grafting supplies that my husband and I use.
Her conference bio: Continue reading
Elizabeth (B) Fraleigh O’Toole, President of O’Toole’s Herb Farm will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
This presentation will touch on growing herbs for pleasure, growing herbs for the fresh cut market and growing herbs in greenhouse production for wholesale and retail sales. I will cover the joy and positive healing energy these plants give, the passion of growing and using them and how I got to this place.
Her farm was featured in the April-May, 2012, edition of Home & Design:
“A village is happening out here,” B said during a tour of her 114-acre farm’s greenhouses, gardens, retail shops and resident flock of sheep. “If you think Walmart, we’re absolutely the opposite. Small, local, knowledgeable, none of our plants genetically modified with man-made chemicals.”
Also on
Her conference bio: Continue reading
Connie Hayes of Healthy Hollow Farms will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014,
How do we prove to customers that our products are free of genetically modified ingredients? while many homesteaders choose to be not certified or certified naturally grown, consumers are becoming more concerned with GMOs. We will offer practical tips for insuring consumers, as well as how to on certifications & non-GMO testing.
Here’s her conference bio:
Members of Coastal Organic Growers (COG), Connie & Jimmy Hayes own & operate Healthy Hollow Farms near Stilson, GA, which has been certified organic since 2007. They grow organic peanuts and raise Belted Galloway cattle. They are in the process of setting up an
on-farm processing facility for their peanuts. Connie serves on the board of Georgia Organics and has trained under Jeffery Smith with The Institute for Responsible Technology to speak on GMOs.
Come to
SOGALO2014 and hear Connie about getting certified organic!