Author Archives: John S. Quarterman

Maypop, ground cherry, blueberry, fig, beautyberry 2022-05-29

Spring is in bloom or fruit.

[Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)]
Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)

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Split-tailed kites 2022-05-15

A flock of split-tailed kites wheeling above where I just cultivated the okra.

[Split-tailed kites]
Split-tailed kites

Here’s a movie of these Elanoides forficatus, also known as swallow-tail kites: Continue reading

Pitcher plants blooming 2022-04-08

Never saw them bloom before.

[Sarracenia minor]
Sarracenia minor

“It takes at least 4 years to go from a just-pollinated flower to a mature, blooming plant.” Growing Sarracenia from Seed, International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS).

[Side view]
Side view

These pitcher plants grew naturally in our woods.

We do have bumblebees, so maybe they will pollinate. Then maybe seeds in August or September.