Author Archives: John S. Quarterman

Dogs, dog fennel, longleaf, beggarticks, chiggers 2022-09-18

Ah, fall flowers, dogs frolicking in the dog fennel, and mysterious molds, all on a morning walk.

And chiggers. Most likely Trombicula alfreddugesi, aka Eutrombicula alfreddugesi, in the genus Trombicula, family Trombiculidae.

Whichever species of arachnids, cousins of ticks and spiders, these ones will make you itch for days. They can raise red welts and send you to the doctor seeking steroids. You don’t want to see pictures of that.

[Common sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale]
Common sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale

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Maypops, rain gauges 2022-08-27

Now that it’s raining, there are many native, tasty, showy maypops. Also known as passion flower, Passiflora incarnata.

[Maypops, rain gauges]
Maypops, rain gauges

Unfortunately, there is also nasty invasive exotic Japanese climbing fern, Lygodium japonicum. Continue reading

Swamp rosemallow 2022-06-19

Some wild hibiscus, summer of 2022.

This is Yellow Dog’s rosemallow, the last one she saw, a year before.

[Yellow Dog's rosemallow, six petals, 2022-06-21]
Yellow Dog’s rosemallow, six petals, 2022-06-21

This year it has six petals.

Here she is Continue reading

Snake of the other day 2022-08-17

Mark it on the calendar: first time Gretchen ever saw a snake first.

[Canebrake rattlesnake]
Canebrake rattlesnake

All the dogs and I walked right past this timber rattler in the front driveway.

She didn’t think I should pick up this Crotalus horridus. I don’t know why.


Grapes, beaver pond, sycamore, beggarticks, bananas, cypress swamp, dogs 2022-08-10

A walk in the woods one summer day.

[Grapes, sycamore, banana, cypress swamp]
Grapes, sycamore, banana, cypress swamp

Those grapes were ripe and tasty. Muscadine, Vitis rotundifolia. This is down by a beaver pond. Continue reading

Maypop, bananas, Arrow in bathtub 2022-06-27

A late June day.

[Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub]
Maypop, bananas, cypress swamp, Arrow in bathtub

A month later, the Passiflora incarnata are still blooming, there are more banana bunches now, there are puddles in the cypress swamp, and Arrow still likes to cool off in her bathtub. Continue reading