Interpret this, facebook AI! Pair of dogs, ten years apart.
Yes, they are all Carolina Dogs.
Brown Dog and Yellow Dog helping in the garden. 2012-02-20
But Yellow Dog and Brown Dog have gone.
They were young when She-Ra, our old Rotweiller, adopted them. We called them the Little Dogs, because together they weighed about as much as She-Ra.
Brown Dog, Yellow Dog, She-Ra.
They had many a frolic, including the famous beaver incident.
Spoiler: eventually the beaver lost, and we ate it.
Yellow Dog and Brown Dog liked boats.
Yellow Dog and Brown Dog in a boat in the pond.
They lived to fourteen years old.
Yellow Dog and Brown Dog in the sun.
Nellie and Honeybun arrived together, and they did know Yellow Dog and Brown Dog.
Blondie, Honeybun, Brown Dog, Yellow Dog, clockwise from lower left.
Blondie and Arrow arrived later.
I think you will agree Blondie is the spitting image of young Yellow Dog. Different personality, though.
Blondie and Arrow pointing in the Cypress Swamp. 2021-11-01
Arrow and Blondie and Honeybun probably have fourteen years to go.
Honeybun pulling up a vine, Blondie, Arrow
Long may they frolic.
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