Sharon Wagner, ex-Director, South Georgia House of Hope,
will talk about “His Tomato Girls” from Seed to Salsa, at
South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
Why we started an organic garden.
How we grew heirloom tomatoes.
Her conference bio:
Sharon Wagner — Executive Director
Sharon’s background includes a 15-year addiction to cocaine which
she overcame in 1987 with the love of God and the discipline of Teen Challenge. While at the Walter Hoving home in New York, Sharon received a vision to provide a home for women — a place of safety and healing. In 2005, out of a passion to bring healing and freedom to women struggling with alcohol, drugs, and abuse, Sharon and her husband rick founded the South Georgia House of Hope here in Valdosta, Georgia. This began a journey of faith that will last a lifetime.
Sharon has personally experienced the healing power of organic foods as part of the recovery process. It is her desire to teach the ladies the importance of not only growing but also enjoying fresh and healthy food. This is an essential part of detoxification — replenishing nutrients that have been lost through years of drug and alcohol use. The organic garden at the House of Hope teaches the ladies how to work together as a team, while also building healthy minds and bodies.
Come to SOGALO2014 and hear Sharon Wagner talk about tomatoes and recovery!
Short Link: